Part 10: Reunion

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You, Selena, Allan, and Sayaka sneak around, searching for survivors when you see a familiar duel monster. Yuya's Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon and another familiar creature, Kaito's Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon

Sayaka: That's Kaito's Galaxy-Eyes!

Allan: And Yuto's Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!

Your Thoughts: Who's Yuto?

You run towards the Dragons and sure enough, Yuya and Kaito are dueling.

Shun: Kaito, that's enough. Yuya is here to help us.

Sayaka: Shun!

Kaito vanishes in light and you run over to Yuya, Gong, and Sylvio.

Y/N: Where's Yuzu?

Yuya: I thought she'd be here.

Gong: So after all that...

Sylvio: She's missing again...

Y/N: ........... FU-

All of you regroup at the hideout where Shun explains more of what happened when Duel Academy attacked. You and Selena look away in shame. Selena wasn't there but she wanted to be in the fight. You however, helped lead it

Y/N: I was fed lies. I was told we'd save the dimensions... But that doesn't change what I did...

Yuya: That's in the past. You've helped us a lot.

Sayaka: Plus, you did personally fight Edo Phoenix and won.

Gong: Who?

Allan: Edo Phoenix... He also lead Duel Academy's forces in the attack...

Y/N: He's dangerous... Hope you never meet him...

Sylvio: If he's anything like Kaito, I definitely would not be a fan.

Disembodied voice: Kaito Tenjo wasn't always like that... He used to duel for fun. Like you, Yuya.

You turn to see a translucent boy who looks a lot like Yuya only with purple and black hair.

Y/N: What is that?

Yuya: Hm?

Yuya looks at the boy and gives you a look like "I'll explain later"

Y/N: Nevermind.

You and Yuya head out and encounter two Duel Academy students.

Student 1: Surrender!

Y/N: In your dreams!

You and Yuya activate your duel disks and Cross Over activates.

Yuya: Ladies and Gentlemen, I'll take the first turn. I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 3 Performapal Odd-Eyes Light Phoenix and Scale 8 Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn! This lets me Pendulum Summon monsters level 4 through 7. My monsters are ready to swing into action! Come on out Performapal Trump Girl and Turn up the heat, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!

Yuya's ace monster appears along with a small jester like girl.

Trump Girl Level 2 Atk: 200

Yuya: Next, I'll use Trump Girl's effect! She lets me Fusion Summon without Polymerization! I fuse her with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon to Fusion Summon Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!

The two monsters fuse into a dragon with a golden loop on its back and it lets out a roar.

(Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon Level 8 Atk: 3000)

Yuya: I set a card and end my turn.

Student 1: Draw! I activate Shaddoll Fusion! Since you control a monster from the Extra Deck, I can Fusion Summon using monsters from my main deck! I fuse Shaddoll Falco with my Earth Hex-Sealed Fusion! I Fusion Summon! El Shaddoll Shekhinaga!

Yugioh Arc-V Selena X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now