Part 6: Turbo Dueling!

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You sit in a hotel room worried.


Roger: I'll allow you into the Friendship Cup but if you lose, I'll send you and Selena back to Fusion. You'll be branded as a traitor and you'll get carded.

(End of Flashback)

Y/N: I have to win... For Selena...

You prepare your duel against Jack Atlas. You get a call on your duel disk.

Y/N: Hello?

Declan: Y/N. Be cautious in this duel. Jack Atlas is the Synchro Dimension's best duelist.

Y/N: That will make it more humiliating when he loses.

Declan: You're as confident as ever. Good luck.

He hangs up and a boy in a bell hop outfit comes in.

Boy: Y/N, it's time for your duel with Mr. Atlas.

Y/N: Thanks.

He leads you to a pure black duel runner with red decal designs on it.

Y/N: Nice!

You go and get changed into a proper turbo duel uniform and you hop onto the duel runner.

Y/N: Pretty simple mechanics. I can handle it.

You drive into the arena and you're met with many hateful comments.

Jack: Time for another chump to fall to the Master of Faster!

You keep a calm composure and the duel begins.

Jack reaches the first turn first.

Jack: Looks like the first turn's mine! I summon Red Sprinter!

A flaming horse-like monster appears.

(Red Sprinter Level 4 Atk: 1700)

Jack: With its effect, I can Special Summon Red Resonator!

A flaming fiend monster appears beside Red Sprinter.

(Red Resonator Level 2 Atk: 600)

Jack: I tune Red Sprinter and Red Resonator! I Synchro Summon Red Wyvern!

The two monsters tune and a flaming dragon takes their place.

(Red Wyvern Level 6 Atk: 2400)

Jack: I set two cards and end my turn! Let's see what you got, rookie!

Y/N: Fine. I draw! I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 1 Red-Eyes Statue Dragon and Scale 7 Red-Eyes Magician! Now I Pendulum Summon! Come out Red-Eyes Wyvern and Delta Flyer! I tune level 3 Delta Flyer and Level 4 Red-Eyes Wyvern! You're gonna Synchro Summon so I will too! Allow me to introduce, the beautiful but deadly! Black Rose Moonlight Dragon!

Your dragon appears with a roar.

Y/N: its effect activates. Sending Red Wyvern to your Extra Deck!

Announcer: Woah! The challenger cleared Jack's field of his only monster!

Y/N: Try this on for size! Black Rose Moonlight Dragon, attack Jack directly with Black Petal Blizzard!

Jack: I don't think so! I activate the action spell, Evasion! Negating your attack!

Y/N: Darn it... Fine. I set a card and end.

Jack: Draw. I summon a second Red Resonator. I then Special Summon Red Warg!

A wolf monster appears.

(Red Warg Level 6 Def: 2200)

Jack: I tune Red Resonator and Red Warg! Come forth! Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend!

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