Malicious Intent; Langst

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Lance's POV:

"Great work, Paladins!!! You've saved another planet from the Galra!!" Allura cheered, smiling. 

"Yes great work team!!" Shiro grinned, placing a hand on Keith's shoulder. 

I stood in the background smiling. After all, that's what I do best. I'm the goofball. I'm the screw up. I'm the seventh wheel. I'm the background character to the Voltron story. 

"LANCE!!!" Keith yelled, snapping Lance out of his inner monologue. "Yes mullet?" Lance asked, smirking. 

"Shiro was giving us instructions on how to deal with the rulers of the planet."

"Yes, Lance, pay more attention. "

"Sorry shiro" I mumbled and began to mess with my bayard.

"Okay team. The Witshicans absolutely hate negative energy. Before we enter the castle they will come up to us and clear our minds of negative energy." Shiro said. I stiffened when shiro said that they hate negative energy. I accidentally dropped my bayard, it shooting off somewhere. 

"AHHH" I shouted and quickly picked it up, smirking nervously at my teammates disappointed faces. I looked at Keith and blushed. Shiro just shook his head "ok c'mon team"

We all walked up the steps of the palace and a man came down "Welcome Paladins of Voltron! I'm sure you have been informed of the cleaning." Shiro nodded and stepped up. "Yes we have sir." 

"Great. Each of my servants will tend to each paladin." Five wishicans walked down the steps and stood in front of us. I watched as Pidge's entire being seemed to relax. Then hunks. Then Shiro's. Then Keith's. Keith smilied a little and relaxed his whole being. My face turned cherry red and I looked at the Wishican before me. "You don't have to do this you know." I smiled nervously. The Wishican shook their head and placed a hand on  my forehead. I felt a tingle for a second but the Wishican yelped in pain and began to run away from me, shouting in a language I didn't understand. 

Eight guards ran out of the castle and pinned me to the ground. "H-HEY WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I shouted. Shiro came up behind one of the soilders "what's happening?" 

"This one has a malicious intent to kill." 

And everything in my brain paused. My eyes widened in understandment. I knew what they were feeling. 

"Malicious intent?! But this is Lance!!! The only person he'd want to kill would be Keith!!" Pidge 


I began to laugh. Everyone looked st me with an unsettled expression. My laughter shook the ground beneath me. Keith looked horrified. I wasn't laughing out of joy. I was laughing out of sadness. Each chuckle sounded hollow and emotionless. "That 'Malicious Intent' you guys are me. I" his laughter slowly turned into silent tears. 

Keith ran over and hugged him. Keith shook slightly and the rest of the team gently moved the soilders aside to hug their friend. 

Lance couldn't hear them though. Their whispers of sweet nothings. All he could hear were to words.

                                         "Seventh Wheel" 

Sorry this is so short!!!! I just wanted to test my writing skills~ *finger guns* peace out for now my gay children

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