I need you to kill me, KLANGST

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I throw up flower petals. They gently fall into the toilet water. My lungs burn so much. 

so much

so much

it burns

Like my love for Keith.......

But he hates me......

He thinks i'm worthless. 

I hack up more flower petals until a rose comes out. A red rose. I stood up and wiped my mouth of blood. It tasted disgusting. A knock rang through my room. "LANCE!!!! C'MON WE GOTTA GO!!!!" Keith called out, banging on the door. Flashes of my Garrison years passed by my eyes. I was locked in a closet for being Bi.

"I-I'LL BE RIGHT OUT!!!" My voice wavered. I changed my shirt because blood was spilling down the front. I walked out and smiled. It hurt my cheeks. It wasn't real. Someone please notice. Please. Please.

"Hey Lance. Allura said that we're going to build the coalition and make peace with a nearby planet. So get into Red and change into your armor. " Keith said, smiling a little. My heart fluttered a little. His pale skin glowed in the starry light and his violet eyes shone. I nodded and slipped on my armor as fast as I could. I kept coughing the entire time. 


"My name is Queen Mani and I would like to thank you Voltron for saving my people!!!! We are forever in your service!!!" The woman covered in pink cloth and jewelry bowed. 

"I just hope we can count on you for the coalition." Shiro says, smiling and bowing back. 

I coughed. 



"Are you-"

"I'm fine."

"You coughed the entire time. You almost threw up at one point......that isn't normal." Keith touched my shoulder gently like I did before. My skin burned where he touched it. The heat crawled up my neck and rested on my cheeks. I opened my mouth to speak but I tasted the blood before it came up. I covered my mouth and ripped my shoulder away from his kind touch, running off. 

"Lance?!" Keith called out. 

"Keith go get him!" Shiro screamed

"DON'T LET HIM GET TO THE FOREST!!!" Queen Mani shouted. 

I quickly changed my path and ran to the castle. I threw up blood as soon as I walked through the door, the metallic liquid spilling through my fingers and landed on the ground. I could hear Keith's footsteps. How did I know it was Keith? I just knew it from the sound. His footsteps were fast but soft. That and he was calling my name. 

I burst into my room and locked the door, throwing up flower petals right on the floor. I coughed so hard. 

"LANCE LET ME IN PLEASE!!!!" Keith shouts, banging on the door. I gasped for air through the petals and blood. 

(time skip an hour later)

Keith had fallen asleep outside of my room. I stared at his peacefully sleeping face. I covered my mouth again and coughed. Keith's eyes fluttered open and I gasped, trying to hide again but Keith shoved his body through my door and landed on a puddle of blood and petals. He looked horrified. 


I coughed up more petals, terrified. 

"Who is it?"

I stayed silent. 

"LANCE WHO IS IT??!?" He grabbed my shoulders and shook them, tearing up. "HOW LONG?!" 

"5 months.........I have one month left....."

Keith's face fell. "Th-then we'll go find her and you can confess to her and you can live!!!!!" 

"Keith...." I whimpered sadly. There was no way I could tell him. "I want you to kill me."

He froze, his eyes wide. He looked up a tear finally slipping out. "What?"



I looked up and backed against the wall, tearing up. 



"LANCE YOUR FEELINGS ARE MUTIAL!!!!" He walked up to me and smashed his lips on mine messily. I gasped and whimpered softly, entangling my fingers in his hair. I could feel my lungs clear up. I let him push me against the wall.

(Time skip)

We lay panting on the bed, our clothes scattered around the dried blood. Keith cuddled against my chest, kissing it softly. I smiled contently and let my eyes flutter close as well. 

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