Tick; Langst

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Lance's POV 

 I groaned, being thrown into a solid room with a couple aliens and my team. I stood on my knees and saw the poor aliens shake in the corner. Some of them were KIDS!!! That made my heart pound with a fury of brotherly protection. (A/N: you know, that weird feeling you get around kids that makes you want to kidnap them and raise them as your own) 

A large screen appeared into view. Lotor's disgusting (A/N: Lotion >:3) face appeared along with his generals. "Greetings, Paladins of Voltron. Welcome to your puzzle that you must participate in. Keith growled reaching for his bayard. Lotor twirled it on his finger. 

"I think not, Hot Topic." (A/N: I know Lotor has no clue what the best emo store in the world is but I couldn't help myself) Lotor said, showing the Paladins all their weapons. Including Keith's blade. "My lovely, and annoying, Paladins are going to play a little game." He paused for a minute, everyone holding their breath. 

"Will my favorite blue Paladin step forward?" (A/N: I DONT LIKE ALLURA AS THE BLUE PALADIN SO SHE DOESNT EXIST AS ONE IN ANY OF MY STORIES) Lotor chuckled. Lance's eyes grew wide and he took a few steps towards the screen, he was shivering with fear slightly. Keith took a step forward but Shiro placed a hand on his chest, not wanting anyone to get hurt because Keith wanted to save his crush. "Blue Paladin, you are going to take that gun in the corner." 

Lance walked over to the gun, picking it up with shaking hands. He looked back up at Lotor, his fear was clearly visible. Keith growled, he despised seeing the happy-go-lucky Lance shaking with fear. 

The next thing Lotor said made everyone's blood run cold. 

"Now, Shoot someone."

Lance stopped, shaking heavily. He didn't know why his body was shaking. He looked up. "Kill someone?! No WAY!!!" 

"Yes. Either kill an innocent, or one of your fellow Paladins."

"What happens if I don't shoot anyone?"

"Then the whole room will explode and i'll keep the lions for myself." Lotor asked, wanting the show to go on. "Now. Shoot someone." Lotor ordered, wanting to see how the Paladin of blue would react.

Lance stood looking at the gun. He automatically didn't even look at the children or their parents. He looked to his team. They looked shocked, betrayed, scared, and thoughtful all at the same time. No one stood forward. It was silent for about five minutes. No movement happened. Lotor growled and a gun appeared from the wall, shooting Lance's foot, he screamed and fell against the wall. Blood pooled around his feet. Again no he stepped forward until Lance heard the click click click  of shoes. H looked up and saw red.

Keith had stepped forward. "It's okay Lance. Just shoot me and get it over with." 

"What?! Keith!" Shiro yelled. Pidge and Hunk both held him back. Lance stared at Keith, wide eyed. 

"No. No no no no NO!" He shouted backing himself into a corner. He stared at the gun and Keith, his crush. Keith looked so soft and....emotional. Lance didn't feel safe. Even though Keith looked fucking adorable, this was no time for gay thoughts. His eyes widened in realization. Lotor said kill a Paladin. So he will. 

"You have 15 seconds to shoot." Lotor said. And the ticks began to count down.


Lance raised the gun to his head. Keith gasped and lunged for him, desperately trying to reach Lance before he did anything stupid. 


Lance leaned forward and gave Keith a quick peck on the lips. It was short but it meant so much. It explained all the sexual tension and all the flirting and all the looks and all the bonding moments.


"I love you." And he pushed Keith away, not wanting him to get hurt or get in the way, pulling the trigger. Lotor smiled, the timer stopping. This is what he had wanted. Keith screamed bloody murder. The children were sobbing and the team looked mortified. 

Their beloved friend, brother, crush, and teammate was lying dead on the floor. His dark blue eyes were wide open, blood and brains were splattered against his armor and the wall. Keith screamed. He kept screaming and screaming, his body overrun with emotions. He fell to his knees and covered his ears, hoping to get rid of the awful image in his brain. Lotor smiled and opened the doors delivering all the Lions, even blue, to the Paladins. 

"Keith. We have to go." Shiro said, there were tears in his eyes but none fell. Hunk hadn't moved and Pidge was sobbing, covering her whole face with her tiny hands. Keith ran over to Lance and picked his still warm body up. Keith climbed into Red. Blue roared in pain at the loss of her beloved Paladin.

 The team dropped the civilians off at their Home planet, then they brought Lance back onto the ship. Keith still hadn't let go of him. He stared deadpan into space (A/N: *sobbing through laughter* HAHAHA GET IT?!) they cleaned him up and placed him in an airlock, flowers surrounding his body. Everyone cried. Except Keith. He stared emotionless, except for the tears pouring down his face, towards Lance. They all said a few words. 

"I'll m-miss you buddy." Pidge

"I hope you're happy where ever you are." Hunk 

"I'm sorry Lance." Allura 

"Your sacrifice will not be in vain!" Shiro.

Coran couldn't even say anything in the fear of crying. 

Keith just walked up to Lance and sat down in front of him. He got down to his ear, closing his eyes so he doesn't have to see the hole. He whispered something that only lance's dead corpse could hear. 

"I love you too." 

Then Lance was shot off into space, letting his body become one of the stars. 

God I fuckin cried writing this. I'm so sorry my fellow people :=<

Also this story was inspired by 

Klance One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now