Another update!!! Finally😅😅

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Keith + Lance

Lance: *Walks into your room in the castle* Mulletttt~ I got some food that Hunk made!

Keith: *groans, pretending he was asleep and sits up, looking at you* why today of all days.. *rubs eyes, and realizing his bedhead is probably atrocious*

Lance: *begins laughing* wow your mullet looks even better when you wake up *realizes what he just said* I-in a mean way of course!!!

Uh-huh.. *is actually really tired but is trying not to let it show* what's the mission for today?

We're scouting out on some planet. We heard a distress signal. *hands Keith the food.* wow. You look like you were hit by a truck.

Thanks. *not like the insomnia helps* *starts eating slowly* do we have any caffeine?

Uhhhh no.

*great* good to know..

Why? Too busy listening to MCR to sleep~

*glares* no.

*stifles a laugh* okay okay. Anyway, get in your armor, we're leaving but we need to go over our positions first.

*Time skip to the position assignment*

(Yeah. No Allura in blue cuz she a bitch) Shiro: alright, Keith and Hunk will attack the fleet to the left

Got it.

Shiro: Pidge and me will sneak in. Lance, be on the backup with the castle.


Pidge: on it.

You got it.


Keith: Don't engage unless you need to.

Alright alright, hot-head. I got this

Shiro: alright lets go.

Me and Blue-tiful got this~

*Shiro and Pidge sneak in while Keith, Hunk, and Lance attack the ships*

On your left Keith!!!!

*takes down the ship last second*

Nice job!!!

*A ship comes flying at Blue and Lance at breakneck speed*

Lance behind you!!

QUIZNACK *shoots ice canon at the ship, turning it to solid ice*

Pidge: *whoops*

Shiro: alright, paladins, regroup in the hangar.

Keith: Right away- *gets cut off from the communicators, only hearing static* guys?

Keith? *hears Keith.*

*Blue stops flying towards the hangar, turning to Red*

*red is just floating there, she looks powered off*

Guys red isn't responding..

Keith did you accidentally turn your lion off? *getting worried*

Shiro: lance pick Keith up, now.

Why isn't anyone answeri- *Keith's voice is replaced with static*

Keith? *sees Lotor's ship* KEITH!!!

Come on red!! *is frantically working at the controls*

Ezor: *somehow gets inside red* hi there~

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