Very dramatic days before Voltron; Klance

410 4 3

Keith + Lance 4

*is sulking sound the halls, back aching from earlier this morning, he looks exhausted*

*walks into garrison, excited.*

*upset about leaving his family*

*we bump into each other*

*trips over his own feet, cursing under his breath, surprisingly staying on his feet*

I'm sorry!!! *waves his hands spastically*

Woah what hole did you crawl out of? *takes in Keith's appearance*

*groans softly almost loosing his balance, looking up at you* *an angel..?*

Are you sure you can even walk, mullet?

*brows furrow* I can walk.

*something about him reminds you of someone. But you can't place it*

You're tripping a lot for someone who can walk *laughs*

*gets a bit ticked, snapping at you* sorry it's 6 in the god damn morning and I haven't gotten ahold of caffeine yet.

*jumps a bit, retaliating* Still you can act like you aren't the center of the god damn universe. Hasta la later, emo.

*please don't leave* *scoffs, mostly at himself, for scaring off another person*

*walks to flight class, his mood down a lot because of Keith*

*ends up being at that very same flight class, a Starbucks cup in hand*

*a kid elbows lance in the shoulder, causing him to drop his things and fall to the floor*

*Lance sighs, his expression unreadable. He begins to collect his things*

*whips his head around* knock it off Jason. *sees that it's you* leave him alone. *turns back around*

*looks up, blue eyes staring into your back.*

*the bell rings and Lance quickly gathers his things, running to his desk*

*happens to be sitting next to you*

Thank you *whispers*

*whispers* don't mention it.

(I feel like they would be somewhat friends at first but as time goes on and Lance gets more compared to Keith, they grow apart)

Teacher: ALRIGHT CLASS!!! *lance covers his ears*


*winces at the loudness, realizing who it is, he ducks his head, he was the teachers victim earlier today*

Teacher: One of our students here is the brother of one of the greatest pilots in this schools history.

Teacher: Keith. Won't you come to the front of the class?

*looks up, slowly standing and going to the front*

*Lance looks up*

*keeps his distance from the teacher*

*teacher places a hand on Keith's back, sliding it downwards a little*

Teacher: expect to follow his example in class, students!

*Lance notices Keith looks uncomfortable* (let's face it, Lance would notice that shit)

Teacher: why don't you tell us about your brother, Keith? Who, sadly, went missing while on a mission to Kerberos a few weeks ago.

*you feel the teachers hand move downwards towards your ass*

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