Dirty Paws; Klangst (small) fluff

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(I got my idea from this amazing animation. Go watch it. Please. It's literally the best thing ever.)

Lance stretched and smiled over to Keith, laying a hand on his sleeping person.

"Hey. Wake up, Mullet." Lance whispered, smiling.

Keith opened a violet eye, gazing at the hot Cuban boy in front of him. 

Lance clapped his hands "good morning, puppy!!!" 

"Don't call me that." Keith grumbled, turning over. 

"C'mon. Get up." Lance motioned over the calendar. In big blue letter was 


"I made your favorite breakfast." Lance smiled. Keith yawned and itched his neck. 

"Thanks hun." Keith smiled warmly.

"Big day today, huh?" Lance smiled.

"Yeah yeah whatever."

"C'mon, babe. Wash those Dirty Paws." 

"I don't have paws!"

"You will." 

Keith grumbled and washed his hands, eating the wonderful breakfast. 

The rest of the day went on without a hitch. Keith kept eating and Lance kept cooking and watching television shows. Right around 10 Keith started to have a headache. He slid down the fridge and groaned slightly. 

"Is it time?" Lance asked.

Keith looked up, his eyes yellow and his teeth bigger. He made a pained growl noise. Lance smiled warmly and held out his hand. Keith smiled and placed his hand in Lance's, walking up the stairs. 

"Do you need me to carry you, puppy?" 

Keith laughed and rolled his eyes "stop."

Lance sat Keith down in front of a heat ventilator. He grabbed his silver chains from the closet and began to chain Keith to the ventilator. Keith rolled his eyes.

"Silver? Really?"

"Hey!!!! You broke all of my facial masks last month!!! I had to go without them for a couple days." Lance protested. "Besides. One month it could be my facial creams and the next..." Lance pulled on the last chain, locking it. "It could be me." 

Keith sat up straighter. "I would never do that!" 

"Do you want me to get a blanket or something?"

"I'm literally attached to a heater. I don't think I'll need a blanket." Keith joked. "I'm FINE!!!" Keith growled, his eyes going full yellow and his teeth popping out for a second.

 Lance barely flinched. He simply just kissed Keith, caressing his face a small bit. He let go, Keith looked a little dazed but smiled warmly. 

"Yell if you need anything!" Lance smiled, and waved his boyfriend goodnight. Keith watched him walk out of the room and smiled. But the smile turned into a grimace of pain. Fur exploded out of his body and ears grew out of his head. (Kinda sounds like he's turning Galra) 

~Time skip~

Lance had gone to sit beside Keith, continuing to play crossy road on his phone. Keith whined and looked out the window. 

"Rrrgh. I can't say no to the face" Lance blushed. He unchained Keith and sat on the ground. 

"Just don't go running-" 

Keith kept out of the window. 

Lance sighed, covering the window up with a blanket. "Off again." 

Lance ran down the stairs, throwing on pants and his jacket. He threw open his front door and saw his neighbors cat lying dead on his steps. 

Lance gasped. "Oh no!!!! Hunk is gonna be devastated." He picked the dead cat up, muttering "ew" several times, and hid the corpse. 

Lance walked down the road, heading to the woods when Hunk came out of his house, carrying a tin of burnt cookies. 

"Hey Lance!!! You're out late!" Hunk smiled.

"Oh yeah. My dog got out again." 

"Again?! Haven't you heard? Something's killing pets around here! They've been putting out traps and everything!" 

Lance's heart stopped for a minute. 'That's a first' he thought. 

"Oh. Heh heh. Yeah."

"Well good luck finding your dog!!! You ought to get a cat! Pidge (don't kill me) gets out every night but he always comes back" 

Lance froze. "Eeeeeeehhhhhh!!!! I'm gonna go! "

"Good luck, Lanc!!" Hunk smiled, walking back into his house.

'Sorry bud!' Lance thought and made his way to the woods. He heard a howl and headed towards the noise. 

He saw Keith killing a deer. Keith looked up, deer in his mouth.

"C'mon Keith. I don't need you to hunt for me, man! And you killed Hunk's cat!! For real? Listen. I know it isn't easy but it's been a year and a half. You should have SOME self control by now. " Lance walked forward, oblivious to the trap set a few more steps in front of him. "Like okay, you're a werewolf. But you're human too! And you're DEFINETLY not dumb. So can you stop running away and killings things please?" Lance took a few more steps closer to the trap, still oblivious. Keith looked down at Lance and noticed the trap shining in the moonlight. 

"It's scary." Lance looked to the side, softening. He lifted his foot to move again. Keith growled and lunged at Lance. Lance opened his eyes wide, thinking that Keith was going to attack him but he knocked him back. Keith whined as his foot began to poor blood. He got caught. Lance groaned and held his head. His eyes caught sight of the blood and he gasped, crawling over to the trap. His dug his hands into the metal and seperated the giant metal jaws off of his boyfriends foot. Keith howled in pain.

 Lance wrapped his arms around Keith's hairy neck and let a few tears slip. Keith laid a hand on his back and nuzzled into his neck. 

"Thank you, Keith." Lance whispered, standing up. He secretly snuck Keith back home and laid him down on their bed. He wrapped Keith's foot up with bandages and sighed out of exhaustion. 

"There." Lance smiled, feeling his eyes droop. Keith growled happily. Lance fell against the pillows and Keith brought him closer, being the big spoon. Lance sighed happily and let sleep take him over. 

The next morning

Keith opened his eyes, his nose was stuck in Lance's chocolate brown locks. He smiled and laid on his back. "I'll make breakfast to-OW!!!" Keith winced, looking down at his foot. 

Lance sat up, his eyes not even open yet. He wrapped his arms around Keith's neck and mumbled "just shut up." Softly. 


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