Count of ten

201 10 3

"Gerard..." Frank sang in a low voice.

Gerard was leaned up against the tree with his head tilted up, desperately trying to keep his breathing quiet.

"Come on, Gee...If you come out now, I won't punish you too bad..."Frank called.

Gerard fought the whimper climbing up his throat.

He stayed silent.

There was no way he was going out there.

"Come on, sugar...I'm giving you a chance to make this easy. for both of us. you know I don't let you off easy very often. It won't hurt half as bad if you come out now. if you keep hiding, when I find you, and I will find you...I will make you bleed, and scream, and cry. "Frank reasoned in his own twisted way.

No reply.

He chuckled.

"Oh, Gerard...You make this so much more difficult than it needs to be."He sighed.

"I'm going to give you to the count of ten to think this over."

Gerard gulped silently.


His entire body was shaking.


He looked around, for somewhere to run to.


Panic was flooding through his body.


He just wanted to be safe...

"'re halfway there, sweetheart. make a smart decision..."

He just wanted it all to go away.


He wanted to run, but the fear of running right into Frank kept him firmly planted in one place.


He prayed that if there was a god out there, he would get him out of that mess.

"Eight..." He heard frank shuffle.

His eyes watered, body shaking and sweating, and heart was beating hard enough to burst out of his chest.


The counting suddenly stopped and he felt sick.

"Ten." His wrist was grabbed.

Again, I do not think this shit is okay irl. just letting you know...

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