Calm after the storm

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It had been two weeks since Frank had last been down. He had left water bottles in the basement, but he hadn't eaten anything.

Gerard was alone and honestly, the quiet was driving him crazy.

He sighed, slipping out of his uncomfortable bed and slowly walking to the door.

He leant up against it for the thousandth time.

He bit his lip, mustering up all his courage.

"S-sir? I'm sorry I was bad...I'll be good, I promise...please talk to me..."He called softly.

he needed some form of human contact before he went insane.

He needed to talk to someone- anyone.

His lip trembled and his eyes watered.

"Please..."He sobbed quietly.

he sunk to the floor against the wall, pulling his knees to his chest and burying his face in them.

He sat there for a long minute.

There was a click and he looked up at the door.

it creaked open.

Frank stepped in, hiding a smirk at the broken boy on the floor.

"What's the matter, darling?" He knelt down next to him.

tears were running down his face and he bit his lip.

"Are you getting lonely down here?" Frank asked.

Gerard nodded slowly, sniffling.

"Don't cry, sweetheart."He wiped the tears away.

"I'll be good, I promise...please don't hurt me anymore..."

"Shh...I'm not gonna hurt you as long as you behave." Frank tucked a strand of Gerard's greasy hair behind his ear.

"I w-will."Gerard replied quickly.

Frank studied the sixteen year old's big, brown eyes.

"Are you hungry?" he asked.

Gerard nodded slowly, looking down and placing a hand on his stomach. he suddenly realized how hungry he really was.

"It hurts..."He mumbled softly, barely audible, with a frown.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." Frank gently caressed his sides, making him shutter.

"How about I take you upstairs and give you a bath and then get you something to eat?"He stood up.

"Would that be nice?"

Gerard nodded slowly and Frank held out a hand, helping him up.

He held Gerard's hand gently, walking up the stairs with him.

He walked him to the bathroom and shut the door behind them, before running some hot water. but not too hot.

"Take off your clothes and get ready, sweetheart." He said, not looking back.

Gerard froze.

he hadn't thought about that part...

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