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It had been two weeks since Gerard had asked about his family.

He was still absolutely heartbroken over what Frank told him, but he was slowly getting better.

His fragile little heart was healing.

And Franks plan was working.

After what he told Gerard, the heartbroken kid cried to him.

Gerard was human. Furthermore, a teenager. A child. He needed some form of comfort and love.

And Frank was the only one there to give it.

So he'd go along his normal routine of asking Gerard something that seemed innocent enough, but he knew would trigger all of Gerard's carefully built walls to crumble. and he'd break down and cry. But Frank would sweetly ask what was wrong and then hug him, using pet names in almost every sentence.

He loved the way Gerard would snuggle tightly into him, crying with shuttering breaths, and eventually fall asleep on his lap.

Watching Gerard sleep was one of his favorite things.

His soft breathing, his slightly parted lips, the vulnerability... he was completely helpless. The sweet little thing...

So very trusting.

Hopefully his trust wouldn't be too broken after what Frank had planned. He'd just have to be as gentle as possible.

Frank glanced down at the small body in his arms.

Such a sweetheart...

He tucked a few loose strands of raven hair behind the boys ear.

He ran his eyes over the small body.

He was barely 5'5".

He wasn't just short...his entire body style was petite.

He was a little chubby, but still very much so petite.

Frank ran his hand along the curve of Gerard's back and down over his ass.

He sighed.

Gerard was so small and fragile...

He was going to have to be really carefully.

He didn't want to hurt the sweet little thing any more than absolutely necessary.

It was bound to hurt him a little bit, but he didn't want to go much past a slight sting.

His goal wasn't to hurt him.

...As long as he behaved.

But Frank was pretty sure he would.

He almost always did, save for a few times few and far between. like the first time Gerard had tried to run.

First and last.

He let his hand trail up Gerard's back, under his shirt.

He felt the whip marks there.

Very light, but still there.

He sighed.

Gerard never got any ideas like that again.

The only other times he got in trouble were small things. every once in a while, he would get a warning for smart-mouthing a little, or purposely not doing what Frank asked him to.

But he always apologized for it quickly, not wanting to make Frank mad.

And Frank forgave him, not dragging it on.

How could he not, with Gerard's adorable face wearing that cute, nevously apologetic expression?

He couldn't handle that face for too long at a time.

Gerard didn't know that, of course.

He just tried his best to behave, so as to avoid upsetting Frank and getting himself punished.

He was terrified of punishments.

And Rightfully so, considering the marks on His back.

But as long as he was good, it wasn't a problem.

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