
105 7 16

I'm bad at titling. suck it.
*is prepared for extreme sex jokes*
*Damn, even more so with choice of wording on that line*
*But they're never prepared*
*That's what Gee said*

Gerard woke up the next morning feeling sore.

He shifted and winced.

"ah..." He moaned in pain.

Tears formed in his eyes as he sat up.

"Mm, Gee?" Frank mumbled tiredly, sitting up along with him.

"Gee, Baby, what's wrong?" He asked softly.

"It hurts..."Gerard sobbed softly.

"Shhh...aw, pumpkin, I'm sorry..." Frank pulled him into his lap.

But  then Gerard  did something stupid.

He fought.

He was just trying to push himself away at first, but when that didn't work, he panicked.

"Please let me go..."He whined.

But Frank ignored his polite request.

"Shhh, it's okay, babe..."

"Let me go...Let me go." He tried to pull away,  but to no avail.

"Let me go, let go of me!" He worked his way up to screaming.

Kicking his legs and trying to pry Frank's arms off him.

He was sobbing from both the pain and terror, screaming for Frank to leave him alone.

Frank tried to reason with him gently at first, but the damn kid was too frantic and he just wouldn't listen.

"Gerard, stop." He grasped the boys wrists as he wriggled himself around in his panic, ending up on his knees, in Frank's lap, trying to pull away.

"Let me go!"He shrieked.

"Leave me alone-!"

"DAMN IT GERARD!" Frank gave him a hard shake.

Gerard was sobbing harder now.

Frank shifted him off his lap, standing up off the bed, and pulled him up with him.

He dragged him through the hallway and down the stairs to the basement.

"N-no, no, no! Please!"Gerard sobbed.

Frank leaned down to get close to his face, grasping his chin. His grip was firm enough to make him flinch harshly, but not firm enough to actually hurt him.

"I don't know why you're acting like this all of a sudden. I think you need a time out so you can think about things. Alone. You can let me know when you're ready to behave." Frank dropped his wrists, straighting up.

"But I-"

"No." Frank cut him off.

The look he gave Gerard told him it probably wasn't the best idea to argue with him.

He had already messed up.

He looked down at the floor.

Frank turned, opening the door and leaving him alone.

He sunk to the floor against the wall in defeat.

He was already feeling tired and sad.

He thought about bad things when he was alone in the basement.

He wanted to just...fade out of existence. He wanted to be where no one could hurt him anymore...

He wanted to die.

End it all. All the pain, all the sadness, the suffering...

he wondered briefly if he had the will to just...stop breathing.

It sounded stupid, but being locked in an empty room didn't give you many options.

Not that it was much different in Frank's bedroom, upstairs.

Frank had essentially child-proofed the room.

There was nothing sharp anywhere.


He had gotten rid of the candles and every other flame-conjuring object as a precaution...

He had locked up any medicine. even Nyquill and Tylenol.

He padlocked the glass bathtub/shower door so he couldn't drown...

Hell, he's even put those stupid baby-proof covers on the corners of the dressers and the bathroom counter so Gerard wouldn't accidentally hit his head.

He had made sure there was nothing Gerard could possibly hurt himself with, be it purposely or not.

Gerard sighed.

He curled his cold toes up, wrapping his arms around his knees.

It was really cold.

And it didn't help that he was a little over half naked.

He shivered.

He sat there for about twenty minutes before he couldn't take it anymore.

He wasn't mad.

He had been frustrated, yes, but who wouldn't have been in his situation?

He was still a little bit frustrated, but he was mostly sad and cold.

He sat up off the floor, taking a deep breath.

Every step was painful as he headed to the door, standing in front of it.

"Frank? I'm really sorry..." He called up the stairs.

He waited a moment, listening carefully for him.


"I...I shouldn't have done that, I just...You...You hurt me... a-and you promised you wouldn't... I was scared..." he whispered the last part.

"Please let me out? I'll be really good, I promise." He stared at the door as the words left his mouth.

"A-am I really in that much trouble?" His voice was softer this time.

"I'm sorry..." He took a deep breath, swallowing thickly. "I'm sorry I yelled at you... and screamed, and had a fit... I was...I was scared... I thought you were g-going to hurt me again..."

But no answer.

There were tears in his eyes now.

He must have really messed up.

Wow, this one's long. 806 words. lmk what you thought... Gee DUN messed up. There's no WAY Frank's not mad at him. probably will be for a while. maybe WEEKS. I wonder where he WENTZ though...

...I'll show myself out.

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