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Gerard woke up about half an hour later to Frank shaking his shoulder.

"Wake up, Sweetheart."

He opened his eyes slowly, with slight confusion before remembering what had happened.

"Hey, Sweetie, are you hungry?" Frank asked.

Gerard nodded shyly.

"Sit up so you can eat."

He sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Frank smiled and handed him a plate of pancakes.

Gerard looked up at him, studying his face with slight confusion.

"Do you not like pancakes?" Frank asked sincerely, his brow furrowing.

"N-no, I do. I just..." Gerard trailed off, biting his lip.

"Why are you being so nice?"He asked softly, part of him fearing it would make Frank mad.

Frank just chuckled.

"I can be nice. I'm only not nice when you do stupid things."

Gerard looked down, remembering the whip marks on his back.

"But it's okay. Everyone makes mistakes. I'm sure you aren't trying to misbehave. Now, hurry up and eat before it gets cold."Frank leaned down to look up at Gerard, stroking his cheek softly with his thumb.

Gerard picked up his fork and took a small bite.

They were pretty good pancakes.

And the fact that he was literally starving didn't help.

"Good?" Frank asked.

Gerard nodded, taking another bite.

It didn't take long for him to clear almost the entire plate.

"Better now that you've got something in your tummy?" Frank asked.

Gerard nodded.

"Good."Frank Kissed his cheek.

"You're such a pretty little thing..."He sighed.

Gerard looked down with a blush, his eyebrows knitting together slightly.

"It's true. Your face is so perfect. Almost...unreal. And you almost glow." Frank  thought out loud.

Gerard glanced up at him through thick, dark lashes briefly, and Frank couldn't help but imagine him doing just that in a much  more... compromising position...

But that was for another time. For now he was just happy looking.

And gaining the little thing's trust, of course.

Another chapter! Let me know how you're liking it so far. Also, feel free to point out any mistakes. Writing on my tablet is kind of different and hard to adjust to since I dropped my phone in the bathtub...anyhow. don't forget to vote and comment! Oh, and if you want to, you could also go check out my bandom one shots book as well as my other frerard fic...Frank's nicer in that one...

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