Bad dreams

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It had been a few days since the last incident with Gerard and Frank woke up in the middle of the night (or, I suppose you could say early morning, as it was around two AM) to the sound of sniffles and small sobs.

He sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and looking over at the small body next to his.

Gerard was shaking and crying softly.

Frank frowned.

His sweet little baby was so upset and he didn't have a clue why.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong baby?" He asked, his voice still groggy from sleep.

He sat up more.

"D-did I w-wake y-you up?" Gerard asked softly, his voice shaking and tears in his eyes.

"Yeah, but it's okay...what's wrong? Why are you crying, cupcake?" Frank asked softly, pulling the small, crying boy into his lap.

"I-I..."he broke off, biting his lip a little.

"Yeah? It's okay..." Frank encouraged him.

"I had a-a bad dream..." Gerard mumbled.

"Aw, about what, baby?" Frank asked.

"Um...I-I don't remember." Gerard answered a little too fast.

"Gerard..."He scolded softly, raising his eyebrows. He didn't believe it for a second.

"Come on, baby, you can tell me. I promise, whatever you're worried about...I won't be mad." His voice softened even more and he kissed Gerard's cheek.

"W-well...I just...It was about you." Gerard started.

"Yeah?" Frank frowned slightly.

Gerard was quiet for a moment before he blurted out the whole thing.

"Y-you were mad a-at me and you s-said you didn't love me anymore and Y-you were h-hurting me..."He sobbed softly.

"Oh, Gee...honey, no...Kitten, I'd never hurt you, only little punishments sometimes when you don't listen, baby, And I'd never ever say I don't love you...I love you so much, sweetheart..." Frank said softly, searching for words to comfort the crying boy in his lap.

"I promise you I do. And I try really hard not to be mad at you. I just get frustrated sometimes. I'm never gonna stop loving you, no matter what." He promised, planting small kisses all over in Gerard's hair and on his face.

Gerard's arms were wrapped tightly around Frank's neck.

"I love you t-too..."Gerard sobbed into his chest.

Frank held him tightly but still soft enough not to hurt him. He was fragile, Frank knew that.

"You're so sweet, baby..."Frank kissed his neck softly.

There was a moment of silence and Gerard's breathing evened out and he had stopped crying. 

Frank sat there, just breathing in Gerard's scent for a moment.

"Let's try to rest now, okay? Cause it's really early. It's only," He glanced at the clock. "5:30. That's way too early for me,  and I know you're not a morning person either, hon."

Frank settled into the bed, still holding Gerard.

Gerard snuggled further into him, sighing softly.

He needed that warm, fuzzy feeling Frank gave him.

And he got it.

He felt loved.

Okay so I'M SORRY I'M AWFUL! I never update, bla, bla, bla, etc, etc, etc, this one's a little shorter. DON'T HATE ME! -pastelyoungblood- I'M LOOKING AT YOU! I'M SORRY OKAY?! I'M SORRY FOR A LOT OF THINGS. LIKE EXISTING N SHIT. Okay, well anyways I've got shit to do so bye

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