Do they miss me?

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Gerard stared into space, seemingly lost in thought as he and Frank sat on the bed.

"You okay, sugar?" Frank asked.

Gerard nodded, breaking out of his daze.

"I was just...thinking."be mumbled.

He looked down, frowning.

"U-um...Frank...?"He glanced up briefly, before turning his eyes back down.

"Hm?"Frank turned to him.

" you think my Mama and Mikey miss me?"He mumbled.

He glanced up at Frank again, this time holding his gaze.

He had to know.

Frank frowned, sighing and looking down at his lap for a moment.

"I wish I didn't have to say this, cause I know it'll just break your little heart...but...they aren't even looking for you, kiddo. You were only on the news for a few days... they think you ran away and they're saying they didn't want you anyway, from what I've heard." He looked at Gerard.

He looked down again, his eyebrows knitting together.

"No..."He whispered.

"B-but I...Mama and Mikey l-love me..."He mumbled, his small voice filled with doubt as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Aw, Sweetheart..." Frank put on his best apologetic look, tilting Gerard's chin up.

Gerard tried his best not to cry, but he couldn't keep it in. It just...happened.

They didn't love him.

He let out a small, choked sob.

Frank held out his arms and Gerard collapsed into them, sobbing softly.

But only Frank knew the truth.

Word was, Donna Way was falling apart. She didn't leave the house, except for dropping absolutely everything to drive to the police station at the slightest possibility of new evidence.

The poor woman had broken down sobbing at the station, both in relief and slight frustration as she had confirmed that something they had found on another boy's body wasn't Gerard's.

And his brother was obviously having a hard time too.

Frank still remembered every bit of the their part on the local news...

"Please, if you know a-anything that...that might help, call in. Please help me get my baby back..."she broke off, tears in her eyes as she hugged Mikey, Gerard's thirteen year old little brother closer.

"And, Gerard, honey...if you're seeing this and've run away for some reason...Please come home...w-we miss you and we love you so much. And I don't care what made you do it, if you did...I won't be mad at're scaring us...just please, come back home..."she trailed off, sobbing harshly.

"Come back, Gee..."Mikey whispered.

Then the video ended.

I'm such a horrible person... thoughts? should I make these longer? I just realised they're kinda short...

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