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My new favorite song ☝🏻☝🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Gerard was bored. There was no one to talk to, nothing to do...

It kind of sucked.

Frank was gone at work and he hated it.

He groaned loudly.

There was literally nothing to do in the house.

He was sixteen. His mind was insane and busy and he really wanted something to distract himself with.

So he laid in bed making up random stories in his head.

He sighed, wishing he could do the things he used to.

He wanted to draw, and paint, and read, and listen to music... he wanted to go outside.

He hadn't done any of that in such a long time...

Weeks! Probably a whole month!

He didn't like it.

He didn't remember when he fell asleep, but when he woke up Frank was sitting on the edge of the bed, shaking him lightly.

Rubbed the sleep from his eyes, sitting up.

"Hey, sweetheart. I missed you." Frank smiled.

"I missed you too..." Gerard mumbled sleepily.

"I got you something." Frank tucked Gerard's hair behind his ear.

Gerard suddenly looked a little more awake.

"Close your eyes..." Frank said and he did.

He could hear something rustling and he thought about what it was excitedly.

Frank took his hands and turned them to face palms up, before setting something in them.

"Don't open your eyes yet. Can you tell me what that is, sweetheart?"

Gerard's brow furrowed slightly and he ran his fingers over whatever was in his hands.

It was square and thin, but pretty big, too... flat and smooth on one side, but the other side had lines with small bumps along it.

He ran his fingers along the bumps and they rolled slightly, making a soft tapping noise as they touched each other.

"I-is it... pencils?" He asked softly.

"Yep!" Frank grinned. "You can open your eyes now."

Gerard opened his eyes and smiled wide.

A whole bunch of different colored pencils and markers.

Frank handed him two sketch pads and ruffled his hair softly.

"Do you like them?" He asked.

"I love them! They're amazing!"he set them beside him, hugging Frank.

Frank hugged him back, pulling him into his lap.

"I'm glad. I love you, sweetheart."

"I love you too!"

"I'm gonna go make dinner, okay? You can stay here and draw. I'll be back in a little while, okay?" Frank asked, setting Gerard gently down next to him.

"Okay." He picked up the pencils and carefully opened the package. 

Frank got up and left with an amused smile and Gerard flipped open his sketchpad.

He drew some comic characters in different scenarios and messed around with different colors until Frank came back.

"How's my little artist?" He asked, setting Gerard's plate on the nightstand.

"Good..." He mumbled distractedly as he concentrated on his drawing.

"Oh, wow..." Frank sat down next to him.

"Those are really good, Gee!" He praised.

He wasn't lying. Gerard was a wonderful little artist.

His wonderful little artist...

"Thank you..."Gerard smiled, blushing.

"That's so great, hun. Can you put it away for just a minute and eat? Then you can finish it after."

"Aww..." The small boy frowned.

He sighed and reluctantly closed his sketchpad.

"Okay..."he fired a wry smile.

"Its just for a minute." Frank smiled, tucking a strand of Gerard's dark hair behind his ear.

He handed Gerard his plate and he ate as fast as he could.

His mind was focused on finishing as quickly as possible so he could get back to drawing.

"Slow down, sweetheart." Frank chuckled.

"Sorry..."Gerard frowned.

"Its okay, sweetie, you're not in trouble. Just remember, you have all the time in the world to draw. No rush." He smiled.

I HAVEN'T EDITED THIS! I'M SORRY! Also sorry I never update. I know, I suck. I'vehad a lot of family shit going on and my depression has decided that I should be uninspired to write this. I want to, but I can never commit to finish a chapter. I have two more chapters started, so we'll see how long that takes me. Don't expect too much of me, please. I've had a rough week.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2018 ⏰

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