I see you lying next to me

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That night, not long after he ate, Gerard fell asleep again. He hadn't slept nearly at all in the basement and he was exhausted.

Frank tucked a strand of soft, dark hair behind the boys ear.

He marveled at the contrast of Gerard's jet black hair against his pale skin.

He looked like a little angel, sleeping so peacefully...

He smiled softly at the thought.

He was an angel. His Angel.

Frank Iero had his own angel. And he was never going to have to share with anyone else.

He smiled wider at that.

He slid into the bed next to him, careful not to wake him up.

He breathed in the scent of him... the smell of the vanilla scented soap from his bath was there, but also his own personal scent.

Something that would never get old.

He flipped off the lamp on his nightstand and all light vanished from the room, leaving him to breath in that scent and feel the warmth of the smaller body next to his.

The next morning, he woke up earlier than usual.

He had nowhere to be on the precious Saturday morning, so he stayed in bed, studying Gerard's perfect little face. listening to the sound of his soft breathing...

After about another hour, Gerard stirred and his eyes fluttered open. He blinked, clearing his vision before jumping slightly, his eyes wide in surprise.

"Shhh, you're okay, Sweetie."Frank sat up a little.

"W-why am I...?"He asked softly, his voice still slightly groggy.

The confused expression on the boys face made Franks life.

"It's okay, honey...You were lonely last night, remember? You had a bath, and a nap, and then I brought you pancakes, and you fell asleep a little bit after that. You must've been really tired." He reminded him.

Gerard remembered that now.

"Okay..."He said slowly.

Gerard rubbed a hand over his own shoulder nervously.

"Relax, Sweetheart, I didn't touch you. I dressed you, yeah, but I didn't hurt you. I wouldn't do that." Frank looked at him knowingly.

Gerard gave a slight nodded.

"Damn, you're such a pretty little thing." Frank smiled.

His pretty little thing.

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