Still a virgin, hu?

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Mason Above ☝

Ace finaly came back into the living room after a few minutes with his eyes yellow again. He seems a lot more relaxed.

Me and Emily are still in just out bikinis for some reason. I guess we haven't had a chance to get our clothes from out side yet. Ugh. . . I'll get them later. None of these boys are being per--

My train of thought is interupted by the front door being opened and slamed shut again.

I'm currently standing infront of the fireplace looking at all the baby and family photos Matt has.

"Is that you, Riley?" I hear a disgustingly fermiliar voice say from behind me. A few seconds later and I feel his hands on my hips. He presses my butt tightly against his crotch.

"Mason. Get. Your. Hands! Off! Me! NOW!" I get louder with each word.

"Or what?" His lips brush my earlob.

"You heard her. Get your hands off her!" Noah says irritatedly.

I can't see anyone because I'm still facing the fire place. But I can feel the tension in the room. Everyone is silent.

"Mason?" I ask calmly.

"Yeah, Princess?" Ugh. . .

"Were you here last night?"

"Indead I was." He smiles against my shoulder.

"Did you drug me?"

His whole body stiffens and his hold on my hips tighten.

"What makes you say that?" His voice deepens.

"Because you've done worse to her!" Emily's voice is laced in venom.

"Stay out of this, Emily!"

"Em?" I ask slowly, draging it out.


"Go into my bag. It's by Noah." I smile to myself.

She'll see the tazer straight away. Oh shit! But he's touching me. That won't work. It'll tazer me aswell.

"You know what. Forget about my bag."

"What? Why?" She sounds confused.

"Are you lot actually not going to do anything?" What the hell is wrong with them.

Suddenly Mason's arm clamps around my shoulders and his other hand start to roam inbetween my legs, under my bikini.

"No, no, no, no, no. Mason. Mason, stop. Please. Please don't do this! Not again. Please. No, no, no, no. STOP!!!" I beg.

"Why don't you stop him!" Emily screams.

"NOAH!" I sob.

"Riley." He whispers.


I hear movement and then a growl.

"What the fuck!" Emily cries. "HELP HER!"

"Riley, stay calm." Noah sounds broken.

And then it hits me. Only I can help myself. No one is going to help me.

Mason's finger plunges inside me, causing me to yelp in pain.

"Still a virgin, hu? Guess I should've known." He chuckles, making me want to gag.

As fast as i can, i swing my leg forwards and propel it backwards, as hard as I can, hitting him exactly where i wanted to. He drops to the floor cupping his balls and coughing and spluttering.


I look each and every boy in the eye, ending with Noah.

"You make me sick." I say calmly. Well it would be calmly if I didn't have tears streaming down my face.

"Riley, I-" Noah begins.

"Don't! Don't you ever talk to me again! Do. You. Understand!"

And with that, I kick Mason in the stomach, grab Em's hand, my bag and storm out the front door, not even grabing my clothes.

We walk a few blocks and then finaly a taxi cab stops and takes us back to the Waldorf Astoria.


It's a short chapter, but this is where it all begins.

Will Noah ever get Riley's trust back?

Why did he let Mason do that to her?

What did she mean by
"Please don't do this! Not again."?

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