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(Ash is above ☝)

After, I don't know how many hours, of playing multiple games of twister, pictionarie and finish the song lyrics, Izzy and I decide it would be best if I spent some time with the other pack members. She lead me through a few old looking coradoors and into the living room once again.

We seem to be spending a lot of time in this living room.

Noah shoots up from his place in the corner and practicaly runs over to me.

"I wasn't gone that long, was i?" I smile, wraping my arms around his neck.

"Just two agonising hours." He smiled, bending down and kissing me sweetly on the lips.

It was only a short peck, but it still sent my heart into overdrive. This makes me blush, i know that they can all here my heart trying to ramb its way out of my chest. Its not long before Matt, Calum, Chad and Kai are sniggering and smirking.

"Stooop!" I whine.

"Ignore them. They're just jelouse because I am mated to the most beautiful girl in the world." He leans down again and this time we actually, properly kissed, making the boys let out a chorus of fake gagging noises.

I pull away and stick my toung out at them. Kai does the same back, making me laugh. He's so adorable, like an idiotic brother.

I hear a door open and then click shut. It's the front door. In walks Ace who has been missing this whole time.

"Where have you been?" I wonder.

"Well I was having a meeting but then I ran into someone on my way here." He pauses. "Do you have a tracker on your phone?" He asks.

"A-a tracker? No! . . . Not that I know of, anyway." My eyebrows are furrowed in confusion. "Why?"

"Because I have someone here that-" he doesn't get to finish his sentence.

The door swings open and he charges in like a bull in a China shop. Oh god! This isnt good. This isn't good at all!

"What are you doing here?!" I ask, a little alarmed.

"Where is he? Hu? Which one of you mutts is Noah?!" His booming voice makes me flinch.

"Ash! Ash, look at me!" I say in a sturn voice. "Don't do this! Please, Ash." I beg.

His head snaps to Noah who just moved infront of me. I clutch his arm, trying to tug him back. He doesn't know what Ash can do.

"So you're the one that had my sister crying on the phone to me for almost two hours every night for three days straight?!" He growles.

I can see the vains in his arms bulging through his skin as the muscles flex and tighten. I do the only thing i can think of.

I grab Isabelle's arm and pull her in the middle of them. Ash would never hurt a girl, (woman/female).

"Move!" He growles at us.

"No!" I growl back.

"Who is this guy anyways? What do you want with my brother?" Pause. "You're hot."

I look over at her.

"Really? You're choosing now to hit on my brother?"

"Well you're sleeping with mine." She shoots back.

My eyes widen. I look over at Ash, who has taken a few steps forward. He's looking at me now, shock and worry in his eyes.

"I- we- uh- um- we arent- we havent- . . ." I carry on spluttering and stumbling over random letters for a while before I'm rescued from my slow and agonising death.

"Was I not support to mention that?" Izzy. Again. Not much of a rescue if you ask me.

"WE HAVEN'T HAD SEX!" I snap. Why is this happening? Oh for fuck sake! I hate my life.

My head snaps in Matt and Calum's direction. They're laughing. They are laughing so hard they are actually crying.

"Then what were you doing when me and mom came in?"

"Izzy I love you and all, but please shut the fuck up." Noah says from behind us.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Anyway, back to my big, strong, scary, overprotecting, goofy, idiotic, not so blood connected brother. Yup, me and Ash arent actually related.

We've known each other since I was a new born and he was two years old. Our fathers were childhood friends, they were like brothers themselves. The four of us would always be in the woods getting up to mischive, mum hated us for it. We've been inseperable all our lives. Ash has helped me through the hard times and picked me back up through the even tougher times. He's the best brother I could wish for and the only brother I've ever asked for.

"Ash, i swear to you." I plead.

"When was the last time you ate?" He asks randomly, taking me by surprise.


"When did you last eat, Riley? It's a simple question!"

"Uh- yesterday."

"When was the last time you ate without making yourself throw up?"

I stay silent. I know I told mum, last night, that i only made myself throw up three times this week but that is not the truth. I havent gone a day in the last week and a half without throwing up.

He scoffs. "Is this because of this mutt?"

"Watch it!" Noah hisses through clenched teeth.

"No. . . Ash he bought me pizza! When have I ever eaten pizza, Ash? When was the last time I ate anything other than salad and chicken?"

"Why'd you do it? Hu? Why'd you stand back and watch as that piece of scum shoved his fingers inside of her? Hm?" He asks Noah.

"Ash! I'm right here! STOP!"

"Tilly, he just stood there!" He uses my childhood nickname.

When my dad was alive him, Ash and myself used to build small dens out of sticks and logs (sometimes blankets) and I would run around and pretend to be a princess. When I was around six I named myself Tilly. I wanted everyone to call me by my new name, but only Ash and dad ever did.

"He didn't have a choice." I say, interupting what ever Noah was just about to say.

"YES HE DID, HE'S THE BETA!" He grabs my arm and pushed me out of the way, doing the same with Izzy.

Well shit!

Just as Ash is about to swing for Noah I start to feel extreamily dizzy. My eyelids are too heavy to keep open and my hands have gone sweaty.

Not here! Not now! Not again! Let it happen, Riley. This is what you were born for! Let it happen. Don't! Calm down. This can't happen, not here.


1264 words guys! FINALY 😂. I've just had so much to put into this chapter, I can't believe it 😄. Hope you enjoy my loveleys xxx



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