Dinner with Phebee

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"I hope you're ok with hamburgers and fries?" Phebee asks, worried.

I've never actually tried a burger. . . Or chips. If it's anything like the pizza me and Noah shared before, it'll be heaven.

"Yeah, that's lovely. Thank you." I smile politely.

Noah squeezes my hand, making me look over at him. I take a deep breath.

"I want to try new things." I reasure him.


Phebee walks over to the wooden dining table with the burger and chips on a plain white plate.

"This looks and smells amazing!" I smile excitedly. I can feel my mouth start to water and quickly wipe the side of my mouth, thankfully I hadn't dribbled like a baby.

Noah chuckles from besides me as I stare at the juicy circle of meat I awe. I wait for the voices in my head to argue over my decision as I scoop up the burger in a bun and bring it up to my nose.

I swim in the smell of deliciousness as my eyes slowly close.

'God, I love her.' I hear his deep, raspy thought, making me smile and open my eyes.

"Well don't just sit there smelling it. Eat the thing!" Phebee encourages, with a smile that could easily split her face in half at any given moment.

I giggle excitedly as I bring the meat, bread and lettuce to my lips, taking a small bite. The second I finish that I take another, bigger bite. In less than two minutes I've inhaled the whole burger, not regretting it one bit.

I move on to the chips next, don't even bother smelling them. I shove three into my mouth, hearing Noah's laugh.

I look down at my empty plate once a finished, a goofy smile. I look up to find both Noah and his mum with huge smiles on their faces, trying their best not to laugh.

"What?" I smile back. "I have fifteen years of catching up to do!" I defend myself, laughing along with them.


Me and Phebee have been looking over old photos of Noah for the last hour, now.

I've learnt that Izzy made Noah wear a Cinderella dress when he was seven, she made him wear make up when he was ten and super glued a plastic ring to his finger when he was twelve.

As they are only two years apart, they've always been close. Noah does everything to keep her happy, even if they do argue sometimes.

"Can you two pleeeeaaassse stop now?" He whines from across the room.

He's been sitting by the kitchen counter, hiding his face from me since him mum brought the photo album out.

"Oh, look, here's a photo of him after his first change!" Phebee points to a photo a him facing away, towards the woods with his little bum on show.

I laugh. He's always had a good little bum.

'I heard that, princess.'

I laugh out loud, turning slightly red. 'Good... sweet cheeks.'

I hear him chuckle from the kitchen. 'Maybe you'll get so see my sweet cheeks later.' He replies suggestively.

I blush, smirking a little.


I'm so so so so so sorry this took so long! I've had huge writers block.

But here's a happy chapter as my apologie.

Hope you enjoyed.


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