Fine, but no funny buissiness

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In no time at all Noah and I are in the lobby. He changed his black shirt to a white one and he is now wearing light blue skinny jeans instead of his black. He looks. . . Amazing.

"Where are we going?" I wonder, leaning against the wall.

"Ace will be picking us up any second now. He'll tell you." He places a hand behind my neck and kisses my forehead sending sparks through me. Will this ever stop? I hope not.

A car's horn honking pulls me out of my thoughts. I'm not good with cars but by the looks of it, I think the car honking is a Lamborghini.

Noah takes my hand, walking over to the car. He opens the door and I slide it. He slips in next to me.

"Nice Lamborghini." I smile. It's a real black beauty.

"You know cars?" Ace asks.

"No but my dad was obsessed with Lamborghinis before he died. He would watch Top Gear for hours and I would watch it with him. He loved to point out all the cars that he loved and lamborghinis were his favourite." I smile, leaning my head on Noah's shoulder.

"Where are we going?" I blurt out. I've never been good with surprises.

"To the pack house. Now that you know about us I thought it would be nice for you to meet everyone."

We drive for a little longer in complete silence. The car turns into a parking garage.

"Um. . ." Is all I mumble. This doesn't feel right.

"You're gonna need to be blind folded for the next part of the journey." Ace suddenly announces.

"What!" My eyes bulge out of my skull. I look at Noah with fury.

He looks at me innocently.

"Fine. But any funny business or tests and I will scream!" I hiss.

Ace smiles and pulls out a black blindfold from his back pocket. We get out of the car and he ties it over my eyes.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Ace asks.

"Three?" I guess.

I hear laughter and then a car boot opening and closing.

"Put this on." Noah hands me some clothing.

"What is it?"

"My hoodie." He replies, helping me slip it over my head. It smells very strongly of him.

The next thing I know, I'm being swung over his shoulder and he is moving. I feel disorientated and nervouse.

"Put me down or I'm going to scream!" I shout.

I hear him chuckle.

I inhale as much oxygen as I physically can and let out a ear splitting scream that echose all around me. I'm still screaming when I'm placed back on my feet with by back against something cold and hard, a bit like concrete. A warm hand is placed over my mouth, silencing my scream.

"We'll be there in a minute." Noah tells someone. I hear footsteps walking away and then a car door opening and closing.

"Now, I'm going to move my hand away and you are not going to scream." He whispers in my ear.

I nod. His hand slips away only to find itself at the small of my back, pulling me towards him. We are now as close as we can physically be with out him being inside of me.

"God!" He gasps. "I need you so bad." He says huskily. His hands slip under his jumper and my vest and find their way to my aching breasts.

I smash my lips into his and hook my fingers in the belt loops of his jeans, trying to pull him even closer to me. I've never felt this way about anyone before. I feel like I need to be closer than close. I. . . I want him inside me. I need him inside me. I want to pleasure him and to be pleasured. I want to trace every inch of him with my toung. I need him to quench my thirst. I need him. I want him.

"WOULD YOU TWO CUT IT OUT!" Someone shouts with a slightly amused but descusted tone.

It takes us a good minute to finaly part. Our foreheads are still touching and we are both gasping for air.

"That was. . . " He breaths.

"Amazing." I finish.

"HURRY UP!" The same person shouts again.

"Come on. We'd better get going or they will rip my head off later." He pecks me on the lips.

"I'm giving you a piggy back." He chuckles.

I feel around in the darkness until I feel his head. I slowly move my hands down to his neck and wrap them around, jumping up and clamping my legs around his waist. His hands are some how reached to cup my ass for support. Tipical.


It feels like hours later when the car stops. I've been sitting on Noah's lap the whole time with his arms snaked around my waist. I hear the car door open, but it sounds more like a van door sliding open.

"Are we there yet?" I whine for the hunderedth time.

"No. We're just stopping for gas and a toilet break." Noah kisses my shoulder, I took Noah's hoodie off ages ago because I was boiling.

"Can i take this stupid blindfold off now?"

"Nope." He chuckles, popping the P.

"Then how am I suppost to pee?" I reason.

"Fine. But you only take it off when we get to the door." Noah whispers in my ear.

"But whyyyy?! I'm not going to tell anyone where we're going!" I pout.

He sighs. "I know, but Ace wouldn't be happy and I really don't want to be punished again."

"Why were you punished before?"

"Because I tried to stop Mason when he was. . . . . ." He trails off.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"Don't apologise. I'd do anything to protect you."

Oh man, I love him.

Wait, did i just think that? Yes you did! You can't love him you are leaving in TWO DAYS!!! But I do. I love Noah Flynn, werewolf and all. He doesn't love us though, we're too fat. But we're mates, he has to love us.

He coutiously helps me out of the car or van, whatever the hell we've been traveling in. I'm lead a small distance from the viecal untill I hear a door creack open and a bell ringing above my head.

"Can i take this stupid thing off now?"

"Yeees." He says in a winey voice, mocking me.

I tear the blindfold over my head and glare at him.

"Don't mock me!" I forge anger.

He looks into my eyes with a new intensity. I look back into his beautiful brown orbs. My cheeks start to heat up. I look down at my feet.

You have something on your face. He is staring at you like he loves you. You have something on your face. You are beautiful. You don't have make up on, you're ugly. He told you not to wear make up, you don't need it. He wants to make you look bad infront of his pack. He is pigging you. SHUT UP! HE THINKS THAT YOU ARE AMAZING! HE HATES YOU! HE JUST WANTS TO SLEEP WITH YOU!


After I did my business in the restroom Noah bought me a bottle of water and a health bar.

"Are you sure that you don't want chocolate or something?" Noah asks for the hunderedth time.

"I'm fine, Noah." I smile.

"Ok." He leans down and kisses my forehead.

He places the blindfold over my eyes again and leads me over the the car.



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