Girl Power

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Riley's POV

I finally make it over to Noah and Kai after being bombarded with questions about modelling for the last half an hour.

I walk into Noah's open arms and nuzzle my face into his warm chest. 'Thanks for the help back there.' I think sarcastically, but with a smile on my face.

'You were doing fine on your own. I would've stepped in otherwise.' He pulls me tighter into his chest, making butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"Wooh, look at that!" Kai suddenly bursts, pointing at my ribs. Well, shit.

I'm totally surprised that no one had noticed the mark before, it's even on my bloody shoulder for Christ's sake.

Please don't let Ash see, please don't let Ash see, please, oh please, oh please, don't let Ash see. I sound like Dorothy trying to get home.

I squeeze myself against Noah even more, wishing for a hole would swallow us, as I hear footsteps loudly stepping closer. I then feel a hand on my waist, making me look up from Noah's chest and into Ash's eyes instead. Shit.

"Come with me. Now!" He takes a hold on my arm, knowing not to grab me too firmly, and pulls me into the kitchen.

"Ash, please calm down." I beg.

"You had sex? You've known him for what, three weeks? You didn't even see him last week, and the week before that you hated him because of what he let Mason do!" Ash is red with anger. He's griping the counter top of the island, knuckles white from how strong his grip is.

"He didn't let Mason do anything!" I shout back. "That was Ace's call and you know it! I can't help the way I feel about him Ash, he's my mate, my soul mate. Do not even dare tell me you don't know how that feels, to love someone so much you would literally die for them!" I scream, starting to go dizzy.

'Riley, princess, calm down. If you don't relax you're going to change.' I hear Noah's calming thoughts and close my eyes for a second.

"I DON'T CARE, YOU BARELY KNOW HIM! What's his middle name, Tilly, tell me what his middle name is."

"Desmond. Noah Desmond Flynn, named after his father, Desmond Maxwell Flynn." I smirk, happy with myself.

"Favourite colour." Ash shoots, gaining his composure after the initial shock of me knowing the answer to his first question.

"Blue." Because that's my natural eye colour, which they finally went back to this morning. Turns out mating has more than one bonus.

"How many girls has he dated?"

"Two, me and Katherine Davison." My breathing becomes heavier as I anticipate his next question.

"How many whores have he fucked?" He smirks. What has gotten in to him lately? Bloody hell, he really hates Noah.

"Two, me and Katherine." I grit out. Just hearing her name makes my skin crawl.

Noah and I have been texting and calling like crazy this passed week, we've both learned a lot about each other.

"Are you done?" I spit at him.


I ain't gon' be cooking all day, I ain't your mama
I ain't gon' do your laundry, I ain't your mama
I ain't your mama, boy, I ain't your mama
When you're gon' get your act together?
I ain't your mama
No, I ain't your mama
No, I ain't your mama, no

Wake up, rise and shine
Let's get to work on time
No more playing video games
Things are about to change, 'round here, 'round here

I use my height as an advantage and duck away from Jessica's punch. We've been sparring for around two hours now and it's actually been a lot of fun.

I hear an "Aaaaah!!!" And loud footsteps running in my direction, I turn from Jess just in time to move out of the way of Matt's way, letting him jump mid air and land on the safety mats.

"Maybe be a little quieter next time?" I suggest with a smirk.

He lets out a groan, flipping himself up to a standing position, next to me.

"Spar with me? I wanna see what you've got." He proposes with a slight smirk.

He's too cocky for his own good.


"Alright, alright, I give up. You know, for such a tiny little thing, you really know how to throw a punch." He smirks, ruffaling my hair like a little child.

"Never do that again." I pout.

He winks before turning and walking out of the room.

I look around at all the girls sparring with each other with a smile. These girls are strong, they can defend themselves against people like Mason and Daniel. It's just a shame Hannah is being blinded by them, just like I was.

'She can take care of herself. And if it ever gets to the point where we think she's not coping, we'll step in, I promise.' I look towards the corner or the gym room and see my mate staring at me with a slight smile.

I walk towards him without replying. It's like my legs are working by themselves and I have no control over them. The need for him is overpowering as I get closer and closer to him.

'Can we go somewhere private?' I think, my tone implying everything.

He takes my hand in his and leads me out of the gym and up stairs without a word being spoken to anyone.


I'm on a role this week guys. It's the end of term, or half term, (I don't even know) so I have a lot of time on my hands.

Hope you enjoyed


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