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Noah's POV

I watch as her face falls and she stares blankly at Hannah. Her pulse quickens and breathing becomes ragged. 

"I- bu- NO! No! No. . ." She trails off. "I'm- I can't be. I would know, wouldn't I? I mean, I would turn wouldn't I? I would know. And my dad, he would've told me." She says, almost like she's trying to convince herself. 

"Yah, like he told you." Hannah laughs viciously, pointing at Ashford.

"You're only a Halfling, you're only meant to turn after you hit sixteen but your wolf has been fighting for the last few months. She final broke free and took complete control this morning.

And as for us not telling you, your mum threatened to leave your dad and disown me if we told you before you started to turn.  Your dad couldn't live without her and I knew that if I told you I would never see you again, I couldn't leave you alone with her!" He explains to her frantically. 

"Who else knows? Am I the last to know? Do my friends know?" She's eerily calm. 

"All the pack know." He's reluctant to tell her anything, that much I can tell.

"And who's in 'The Pack', Ash?" 

"Damon, James, Brandon, Ryan, Rachel, Abie, Jayden-" He mumbles, knowing she can here with her heightened senses.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, ASH!? EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY DAMN FRIENDS!" She screams, face red with anger, pulse going through the roof.

She's close to changing.

"Not Stephanie." I give the man points for trying, but it just makes things worse.

She knots her hands in her hair, she stands up and starts pacing. "Oh my god, Steph is gonna hate me. She's gonna hate me!"

I stand up, taking her hands out of her hair and pull her in for a hug. She stays tense for a while before finally relaxing and leaning into me.

"Relax, if she's a good friend then she'll love you, no matter what. You're still you. You're still Riley Bourne." I whisper against her neck, making her shiver.

We stay embracing for a while longer, before she suddenly starts shaking and her heart beat becomes irratic and un-unformed.


Riley's POV

I feel myself begin to shake uncontrollably and the adrenaline pump through my veins.

I feel a sudden sharp pain in my shoulder and then hear gasps from around the room. I stare at them confused for a few moments.

"Can you not feel that?" Hannah asks incredulously, her hand covering her mouth.

"Feel wha-" I cut myself short as I look down at my shoulder. Letting out a loud gasp I quickly look away, the image still replaying in my head.

Some how my arm has detached from the socket and has turned 180°.

"I'm good with pain, I guess?" I mumble, trying not to throw up.

"You think?" Sarcasm dripping from her words.

"You know, Daniel actually told me about your pain tolerance." She smiles, changing the subject.

"I bet he did." I mumble.

"He said you like it; the pain I mean." Oh lord, please open up the ground and let it swallow me whole.

"I bet he did." I repeat, staring intently at the wall behind her head.

"He said you begged him to hit you."

"That's just his excuse for hitting me. I never asked, or begged. Whatever he told you, it's not true." I say truthfully.

"So you didn't have a BDSM relationship?" She smirks.

I let out an explosion of laughter, to the point where tears are pouring from my eyes.

"Is that what he told you?" I laugh lightly.

"Well?" Ash growls at me.

"Calm down. He mentioned it a few times, I never agreed and it never happened." I explain calmly.

"What did he mention?" He looks at me sternly.

I feel heat rushing to my face as I remember everyone in the room. I look over at Noah; my heart drops at the sight of him. He's standing frozen, his face set like stone. 'Nothing happened.' I mouth to him.

"Tilly!" Ash hisses my nickname.

"Remember all the scars I had on my back?" I breath, barley above a whisper. He nods.

"They were bite marks weren't They?" I remind him.

I hear Phebee's quiet gasp from across the room. I take a deep breath and carry on.

"What else?" Noah choaks out.

I take a deep breath and open my mouth to continue when-

"Aaaaaaaaaah!" I scream I pain. My knees buckle out from under me as I go into a weird crab position, realising that my arm finally sent back into the socket.

"Well that hurt." I mumble, causing Ash and Ace to laugh.

"How are you getting out of that one?" Hannah's voice traveles to my ears as I look at the, now, upside-down fireplace that used to be behind me.

I quickly kick my legs with enough force to flip me up into a hand-stand and then let my feet drop slowly to the ground. Facing Hannah again, I have just enough time to see the shock on her face before she masks it with an evil smirk.

"Daniel said you love that position." She says smugly.

"Would you just shut it already! You know nothing about me. Daniel is a pathological liar and a cheat. He uses and abuses people for his own pleasure. I never agreed to be his submissive and that's all any of you need to know!" Tears hobble over my cheeks as I slowly sink to the floor, hugging my knees to my chest, i start to sob into them.

"Get her out of here." I hear Ash say softly.

A moment later and warm arms are picking me up and carrying me, bridalstyle. A while later and I'm still being carried somewhere; i cant be bothered to look. My head stays buried in his chest, my face against his tear stained shirt.

I feel a soft kiss being placed on the top of my head before I feel his lips by my ear.

"We're nearly there princess." He breaths against my ear, sending shivers through me.

"I'm sorry." I whisper into his shirt, taking a fist full of it and pulling him closer to me, if that's even possible right now.

"Don't apologize, you did nothing wrong. Hannah should have kept her mouth shut. She never knows when to stop." He almost growls the last part.

"Where are we going?" I ask my mate.

"All in good time princess." I can hear the smile in his voice.


1099 words! 😀

Hope you enjoyed

Ok so I know I said that I wasn't going to update and that my books are on hold, but I seriously can't do that. I have desided that I will be updating but they will be irregular updates and probably larger time gaps between them than before xx


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