Not again! (A week later)

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My eyes flutter open upon hearing loud, paniced and slightly worried shouting. I sit up way too quickly, resulting in a spell of dizziness. Great. I think to myself.

Recovering, I look around at my suroundings. I'm on the floor in the corner of my hotel room. Why does it look like a burgaler has been in here and knocked as many things over as he could? I look down at myself. What the hell? Why am i naked?

"I'm coming in!" Is that. . . ?

I don't have time to finish my thoughts as the door comes crashing to the floor and Ash rushes in. I despiratly try to cover myself but it's just not working.

"Oh god. . ." He mutters, looking away and taking his jacket off to place over me.

"What happened?" I croak. The words seem to be like knives scraping down the back of my throught.

"I don't know, Till. Your mum asked me to check on you and when I came I heard things being knocked over and you screaming. You must have blacked out again." He says the last bit almost to himself.

He crouched down besides me and takes my face in his hands. His eyes seem to turn rounder as his eyes bulge out of his skull.

I look at him quizicaly. "What?" I whisper.

"Y-your eyes. . . They're- that's impossible." His brows furrow as he takes his phone out of his back pocket and diels a number. Holding the phone up to his ear I hear him telling someone to tell 'him' (I have no clue who 'him' is) that he needs to "get over here imediatly."


Five minutes later and I am still on the floor, naked might I add. It turned out that the stupid burgaler shreaded all of my clothes and chewed all my underwear, (I know right, weird).

I feel like my body has been filled full of concreat, I can't move. "Ash?" I croak.

"Shhh. . . It's ok." He lays my head back on his lap, stroaking my hair out of my face, making every nerve in my body comes alive with pleasure. You know when somebody else brushed or plays with your hair, yeah well, think of that feeling, times a thousand.

I close my eyes and let out a small "hmm," of satisfaction. I ball a chunk of his shirt into my hand and pull him closer. He continues to stroke my hair.

"Can you remember those days when our dads used to take us fishing by the river?" He smiles, remembering. All I can do is nod and smile.

"We were more focused on finding worms to put on the hooks than actually catching the fish." He chuckles. "You used to chase me round with one in your hand, - trying to make me eat it." He laughs again.

"And the times when we used to run into the woods and climb the trees as high as we could. . ." He trails off. "Remember that time I fell and broke my arm?" He whispers softly.

I nod my head, smiling. It was the highest tree in the stupid place. He bet me he could climb all the way to the top and back down again with out falling. I told him not to. I knew it wasn't safe. He didn't listen to me. He got more than half way up when he fell. I tried to catch him but he landed three feet infront of me. Idiot.

"Do you remember me going to hospital?" He looked straight into my eyes.

I shake my head. He must have gone to the hospital, I just couldn't remember.

"That's because I didn't. My dad took me to a shed in the woods and we stayed there until we knew you were asleep." I look up at him with confusion. Why didn't he go to the hospital?

"Have you noticed how I never get sick or badly hurt for a long period of time?" Where the hell is this going?

"That's because I heal. I-I'm not human, Rile. I'm a-"

"Werewolf." I choak out ignoring the pain in my throught.

"Yeah. . ." He whispers.

"Why didn't you (painful cough) tell me (cough) before?" Ouch. . .

"Because your mum asked me not to. She said it was bad enough that you loved wolves, she didn't want me turning and you playing with one."

"Look, Till." He starts. "There's something else that I need to tell you-"

"RILEY!" Someone yells from down the corridor interupting Ash.

He bounds into the room, just like Ash did around half hour ago. He's wearing his work uniform and a scared expression.

"What happened? Are you ok?why are you. . . ?" He trails off looking at the only piece of clothing that's covering me, - Ash's jacket. He then looks around the room with wide eyes.

"Oh god." Then he looks into my eyes.

"Wow. But that's-"

"Impossable," Ash finishes for him. "Yeah, I know."

"How are you feeling?" Noah takes my hand and intwines our fingers.

"Can't move. Bad (cough) throught. Naked." I whisper, closing my eyes again.

"What (cough) happened?" I open my eyes again.

"You haven't told her, have you? You were meant to last week!" Noah growls at my brother.

"I was getting to it, but then you barged in."

"You told me to come!" Noah defends.

"You didn't have to rush!" Ash grits.

"Shut (cough) up." I tell them. "Clothes." I scratch out.


A few hours later an I am back at the Pack House wearing some of Noah's clothes. No one is telling me why we're here. And no one is telling me what happened either. They're also being weird about me seeing a mirror or, well, any reflection really. Am I that ugly?

Noah's mother rushed into the room and kneels down next to where I am laying in her son's lap with him stroking my hair, just like Ash did a few hours ago. Exept this time it feels different. This time it feels one hundred times better. And I can smell the forest as if it was a rainy day and you were standing in one.

I can hear every little sound, whether that be a foot step or breathing. I can hear it all. What's happening to me?


I know that I haven't updated in a very long time but I hope you'll forgive me. I'm doing my GCSE's now and it's really stressful.

I hope everyone is enjoying


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