Our day

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Riley's POV

It's been three days since I found out I was a werewolf/True Alpha and lost my virginity. Noah and his mum took me back to the hotel, Ash came back a few hours later and I moved into a new room.

The room I tore up is still being fixed up by Noah and Matt. It turns out that Noah's boss is also a werewolf and knows what it's like to be with your mate for the first time. I think that's why he's given Noah so much time off work, well, except for last week, Noah was working everyday last week.

I throw the covers back and force myself out of bed, going into the bathroom and doing my morning routine. I only applying a small amount of make up today.

I throw my hair up into a messy bun, without even looking in the mirror, and walk back into my new hotel room. I practically bounce over to my suitcase with a huge smile on my face.

I'm going to Noah's apartment today.

I pull out my favourite white, Adidas crop top and black short shorts. I grab a pair of plain black ankle boots and quickly tie the laces. Finally, I snatch my phone and new room key off of the side table and exit the room.

Today is going to be a good day. I think, happily, to myself.


"D'you want some soda?" Noah asks, rummaging through the cupboards.

"No, thanks. I'll have water though?" I reply with a smile.

I'm currently sitting on his, - well his mum's - amazingly comfortable sofa, waiting for him to grab everything we need to sit down and watch a movie.

He finally walks over with a glass of water, popcorn and a coke, or soda as he calls It, for himself. He places the drinks and popcorn down on the coffee table, picks me up, sits down, places me in his lap, lays down and throws a blanket over us, all in one swift, very fast, movement.

"You need to stop doing that." I laugh, snuggling into his chest.

"Never." He whispers against my earlobe, sending my heart rate through the roof.


Phebee walks into the apartment just as the movie finishes. She is carrying shopping bags in one hand and something unknown in her other.

I try escaping from Noah's graps to try and help her, but Mr "I want you all to myself today" keeps me firmly against him on the sofa.

Phebee smiles as I pinch Noah's cheek, hoping that would loosen his hold. It just makes him nuzzle his head into the crook of my neck, hiding his face from me.

'Noah let me go. I want to help your mum.' I whine through the bond.

He replies by leaving a trail of kisses along my mark, sending my little teenage hormones into a frenzy. I relax into him once again, giving up on trying to help his mum who had already told me "not to worry" and that she's "got it".

'Do you always get what you want?' I moan through the bond as he grops my arse cheek.

'Pretty much.' He chuckles back.

"Ok you two, cut it out." Phebee interrupts, sounding amused.

I blush uncontrollably as I remember Noah's MUM is in the room.

Sorry this was so short, I'm just really stressed today. I also deleted a lot from this chapter because I felt it was irrelevant.

You also need to know that there are ONLY around FOUR-THREE CHAPTERS LEFT!!!


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