2: Steve

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        You sat on the couch next to your boyfriend Steve of 3 years. He had just gotten back from war a few months ago and his pts was stronger then ever this week. As you watched TV you heard fireworks outside your living room window. Out of the corner of your eye you say Steve jump.

You put your hand on his and held it tight trying to keep him calm. boom another one went off.  Steve stood up and was walking around trying to distract himself.

"Steve it's gonna be ok, just please come sit down, " you asked. "No (y/n) it's not that easy," he barked back at you,  "you always think everything is going to be fine but it won't. You have to stop living in that fairy land of yours!" You were taken back at this,  and your short temper wasn't going to help the situation. "Steve I'm just trying to help you,  clam down." boom,  Steve held his head and you could tell he was having flashbacks. "You need to listen to me honey,  hoping  it goes away isn't going to help, " you said to him. "Look I don't need your help I can do this myself,  just go!" he yelled at you. "For the love of God Steve why can't you get anything through that thick skull of yours," you yelled back as you ran out of the house tears steaming down your face.

* Steve's pov*

Boom. I saw (y/n) run out of the house. What have I done I just lost the only person who ever loved me. I stood in the living room beating myself up over it. I have to go find he I said to myself. I ran out of the house and to the lot. I looked all around and she was nowhere to be found. I was so confused this is her favorite tree she always comes here. And she always says how it fits her back perfectly. Tears started to uncontrollably come out of me eyes.

I ran to the Curtis's ran through the door took a few looks around,  no (y/n),  and ran back out. "what was that," I heard two say as I left. Where else could she be, Bucks that's the only other place. Man I hates when she went there by herself you never know what's gonna happen to her there.

When I got to bucks I saw (y/n) sitting at the bar taking shots with guys she didn't know. How did this happen this wasn't like her. I watched her is disbelief when I saw one of the guys out his arm around her waist. I was red with anger. I calmed myself down and walked over to her. "(y/n),  we've been here a while we should get going," I said trying trying to play it as cool as possible.

"Oh hey Steve,  guys this is my boyfriend Steve,  he's great he just got back from war isn't that cool," she sounded So drunk I thought she was gonna throw up on those guys. "hi guys, sorry to kill the party but I gotta get my girl home." they all complained and asked if I would let her stay just a little bit longer. How did all of these people get so drunk so fast. I carried (y/n) back home as she quickly fell asleep in my arms. I laid her down in bed and then went to sleep myself. "good night (y/n), " I whispered as I kissed her forehead.

I really like this one. I got the idea from an imagine I read awhile ago but I don't remember who wrote it. I am taking request and would love to hear your ideas. Thanks for reading, God bless.

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