92: Dally

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For caity_caitlyn

Background story:

Winter and Dally don't get along. He makes fun of her for her looks. Saying things like "your hair makes you look like a lion."  "Your eyes are brown because your full of shit."   "Your to weak and thin to fight like a real greaser."  "Why's your voice so low winter." And so on.

Winters POV

I ran up the steps to the front door, pushing the door I open I ran stright to my room. I slid my back against the door and sat on the floor crying. My knees pulled into my chest, my arms wrapped around them, and my head down.

There was a light knock at my door, "winter?" My oldest brother Darry's sincere voice said. I didn't answer him, I didn't want to talk about it. "Winter, what's wrong?" He asked. I stayed silent again. I heard his footsteps fade away. I let out a loud sob and soon there was another knock at my door.

"Sis, it's soda. Can we talk?" He asked.

"I don't want to," I said through the door.

"If you every want to I'm here." He said. I didn't answer him if I opened my mouth again I would cry.

I slid my legs out collecting myself.

"Snow? Can I come in," I knew it was Steve he's the only one who ever called me snow.

"No," I whispered through the door.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," I said getting up. I walked over to my bed and sat down. I held a pillow close to my chest recalling what happened.

A little while later I heard a hiccup and then a knock. "Winter honey," a drunken two said laying his forehead on the door. I threw my pillow at the door in anger. Why would he come here and try to cheer me up when he's drunk. "Ok I get it," he said walking away.

"Winter it's me, pony. Look you don't have to let me in. Just remember, your a Curtis and Curtis's don't give up." He said. I laid there staring at the ceiling and then all the events came back to me and tears jerked from my eyes.

"Winter," I heard Johnny sheepish voice say.

"Please Johnny." I said back.

"Alright." He said leaving.

Dally's POV

Johnny walked back shruging his shoulders. "What are we gonna do, she's obviously upset and she won't let anyone in." Soda said distressed.

"I know," Darry said taking his head off the doorframe, "Dal you go."

"What me? No way she hates me. Why would she open up to me." I protested.

"Dally you have to do this. We're all worried and your our only hope." Pony chimed in.

"I-i, fine." I said getting up to go talk to her.

I walked over to her door and knocked. "Winter? Can I please come in?" I asked.

"No," she yell cried.

I looked out at the gang and they all looked at me. "fine," I said putting my hands up in defense.

I pulled a bobby pin out of my pocket and wiggled it around in the lock. I heard a pop and then I opened the door. I opened the door slowly but I didn't see winter anywhere.

"Winter?" I said walking around. I found her sitting back against the side of her bed and she was facing the window.

"How did you get in here," she said turning around. Her eyes were red and puffy with mascara running down her face.

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