49: ponyboy

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Ok so in this imagine, imagine that pony is older and this is a little more modern.

I walked down the hall way with my ear buds in. You couldn't stop listening to music, you loved it you listened to everything. Country, rap, musicals, all of the above. Currently you were listening to the sound of music soundtrack, that was me and ponys movie.

I hummed the tune to doe re mi. I felt a tap on my shoulder and squealed. I took my headphones out and turned around. Pony was laughing at how scared I was. "Shut up," I wined and slapped him playfully.

"Sorry sweetie," he said putting his arm around me, " wanna hang out today."

"Sure." I said.

"Alright we'll talk about it later. See you at the stairs." he asked.

"Yeah," I pecked his lips and went into my last class.


The final bell rang after what felt like hours. I walked to my locker exchanging my books out of my bag for books in my locker. I put my ear buds in and listened to music again.

I pushed the doors of the school open and saw pony standing on the stairs at the bottom sitting on the rail bouncing his ball.

"Hey pone," I said putting my arm around him.

He stood up and put his arm around my shoulder.

"So what do you wanna do later," he asked taking one of my ear buds out and put it in his ear.

"I don't know, wanna just go for a walk."

"Yeah I guess, that will be fun."

I dropped pony off at the dx and kept on my way home.


I got home and looked around my room. I saw my tv and the sound of music CD. I put the movie in as I did my home work.

The movie ended and I freshened up. Fixing my makeup and my hair.

I walked down stairs and told my mom I was leaving.


I went to pony's house to pick him up. We walked to the park and just had fun. We got ice cream and then went down to the creek.

" Pony a gazebo," I said grabbing his arm.

"(y/n) no."

"Please it won't take long."

"Ugh fine."

We sat down on the benches down there. "You wait little girl on an empty stage for fate to turn the light on.," he sang, " your life little girl is an empty page that men will want to write on." neither of us were good singers but we have fun. "To write on," I sang in a higher voice.

" You are sixteen going on seventeen
Baby, it's time to think. Better beware be canny and careful. Baby, you're on the brink
You are sixteen going on seventeen. Fellows will fall in line. Eager young lads and roues and cads Will offer you food and wine. Totally unprepared are you To face a world of men. Timid and shy and scared are you
Of things beyond your ken. You need someone older and wiser Telling you what to do. I am seventeen going on eighteen
I'll take care of you." he sang.

He took me and danced just like out of the movie. We had such a fun time. We were laughing at ourselves and having a ball.

Then it was my turn," I am sixteen going on seventeen I know that I'm naïve. Fellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet And willingly I believe. I am sixteen going on seventeen
Innocent as a rose.,Bachelor dandies, drinkers of brandies,What do I know of those? Totally unprepared am i To face a world of men. Timid and shy and scared am i Of things beyond my ken. I need someone older and wiser Telling me what to do.
You are seventeen going on eighteen I'll, depend, on you."

We both cracked up laughing and went home he walked me home and stayed for a bit before going back to his house.

Hey guys I know it's short but it's sweet. I hope you all enjoyed it though. I am taking request please leave some I love writing them. Anyway thanks for reading, God bless.

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