45: dally

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I was sitting on the couch when the phone rang, I jumped up to answer it. "Hello?" I said.

"Hey (y/n) Can you or your mom watch Lily for us today."

"Yeah me and mom will be here. When are you coming over."

"Hopefully in a few minutes if everything is in the car for her and we are ready," she giggled a bit.

I laughed to, "ok see you soon."

I loved when Lily came over she was 8 months old and just learning how to walk. She's getting really good really fast. She was so cute and so tiny too.

"Hey mom," I said walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah sweetie," she said drying her hand off.

"Amy is coming over to drop Lily off. She's leaving her house soon." I said.

"Ok. Sounds good."

I walked back to the phone to call dally. He wanted to go out today but I would much rather him come here and watch Lily with me.

I put the phone to my ear, "hey is dally there."

"Yeah hold on." Steve said into the phone.

"(y/n), you ok?" dally asked into the phone.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just have a favor to ask."

"Ugh what."

"Can you come over here today I have to watch my cousin and she's gonna be here soon."

"I don't know, you know me and kids."

"Come on she's 8 month old what's the worst she can do."

There was a long pause, "dally?" I said into the phone not sure if he was still there.

"Fine," he said with a big sigh.

"Yes, thank you!"


I laid on the couch waiting for one of them to show up. I heard a knock at the door and hopped up.

"Lilly!" I said opening my arms to hold her.

"Doo dah," she said as I set her on my hip.

"Hi amy."

"Hi (y/n)."

I sat down on the couch with Lily as amy got all her stuff situated.

"So has she said her first word yet," I asked.

"Yeah, momma."

"Oooo yay the girls won."

"But get this the boys are teaching her how to say diareaha and she can almost say it."

"Well I guess that's what happens when you have two old bothers," I placed Lily on my legs and took her hands, "isn't that what happens with brothers. I know I know I had them too," I said in my baby voice.

There was another knock on the door, Lily went back on my hip. As I walked to the door. "Who's that,"  Amy asked as I walked over to the door.

"My boyfriend, dally." I said before opening the door.

"Dally!" I said opening the door as hugging him. "Dally say hi to Lily, Lily say hi to dally."  dally just rolled his eyes at me.

* dallys pov *

I watched (y/n)'s face as she introduced me to the baby. A smile grew on her face wider then I've ever seen, and it was beautiful.

* you pov *

I walked dally over to meet Amy. "Amy this is my boyfriend dally. Dally this is my sister Amy."

"Hi," she said shaking his hand.

"Hi," he mumbled.

"Ok so Lily just woke up from a nap so she'll be energised and she hasn't eaten in two hours so you have a bit before she needs to eat. I put dipers in the-"

"In the bathroom I know. Amy this isn't my first time baby sitting." I said calming her down.

"Right. Just please don't be dumb."

"I know, now get going your probably late."

"Alright bye (y/n), it was nice to meet you dally."

"You too," dally said.

I walked to the door with Lily still on my hip and dally came up behind me and put his arm around me. Amy beeped as she pulled away and I waved.

"Alright (y/n) Mark called and I have to go over there so it's just you and Lily. " she said rushing out of her toom she finally looked up at me and saw dally next to me. "Oh hi dally."


" I didn't know you were gonna be here. Alright I have to leave, you two be smart don't try anything on my daughter," she said as she left.

I laughed as I said goodbye and my mom left.

Dally plopped on the couch and I sat next to him, Lilly sitting on my thighs. He wrapped his arm around me and turned on the tv.

I started siging to Lily little songs, "the itsey bitsey spider went up the water spout," I sang teaching lilys tiny hands the movemnts. She started to pull and play with my hair.

"Doesn't that hurt," dally asked as she tugged my hair.

"No she's not very strong," I checked the clock and it was time to feed Lily.

I got up and let lily in her playpen as I got her food. I snatched Lily back up out of the play pen and sat back down next to dally.

"Ok can you hold her," I said handing Lily to dally.

"Woah I don't think so," he said putting his hands in the air.

"Please. She always moves when you try to feed her."

"What if I hurt her, or I don't know accidently squeezed her too hard or something." dally said with great concern.

"Dally trust me baby's aren't as fragile as they seem, plus you've seen the way I pick this baby up and they way her mom holds her."

"Fine," he finally took Lily from me and held her gently.

I started to feed her but she was still squirming. "Dally tighter please."

"I don't know"

"Well I do."

She finally stopped moving and I could feed her, I got her all cleaned up and we were back to playing.

I was making silly faces at her as she laughed. Seeing a baby smile is one of the most rewarding things.

* Dally pov *

I looked down on (y/n) while she was making faces at the baby. Every time Lily laughed (y/n)'s eyes would light up and she would smile big enough for the whole world to see. Seeing my baby smile is one of the most rewarding things.

Hey guys, I hope you liked this. Please leave me request . also if you just want to leave names I can use in my stories cause I feel like I'm reusing all the same ones. Anyway thanks for reading, God bless.

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