8: Johnny

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I walked to the DX where I was meeting the gang before we went to see a movie. "hey guys," I said to whoever was there. I walked to the back to grab a coke. I heard the bell on the door ring signifying someone else came in.  I was walking back up to the front when I hit someone. "shit!" I yelled as I hit the person.  I heard an eruption of laughter from the gang. I looked up to see it was johnny. "God kid you damn near gave me a heart attack, " at this the gang laughed more. I've always had bit of a crush in Johnny he was just so cute. "well I was coming back here to talk to you actually. Can we go outside, " he asked. This was making me nervous. "yeah."

We stepped outside and when I tuned around to look at Johnny the gang was giving him a thumbs up only to stop when they noticed me looking. "so what is it," I asked. "well umm I....... I kind of...."
"come on spit it out."
"ilikeyou," he said it so fast it took me a minute to figure out what he said. He was looking down at his feet. I lifted his head up and kissed him. That was my first kiss. It was better then I ever imagined. "is that a yes," he said rubbing the back of his neck. I kissed him again. "what do you think." he gave me the tightest hug I have very had. I heard the boys in the gas station cheering.

Johnny and I held hands all the way to the movies. When we sat down we sat next to eachother. "wanna know something johnnycakes, I asked. "hmm."
"that was my first kiss."
"yeah, was I good."
"yeah, was I."
"better then I ever imagined."

Hey guys I know this one is supper short but I just wanted to crank one out while I was driving somewhere. If you haven't yet check out my fanfic it's called a Christmas wish and it's a Steve fanfic. Thanks for reading, God bless.

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