46: Steve

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I stood in the kitchen making dinner for me and my brother. "(y/n) I'm home," he said coming in the house.

"Hey Billy I'm just finishing up dinner." I called back. I started to walk out of the kitchen to see Billy was with Steve. Steve has been stopping by the diner everyday and talking to me until my ear falls off. And I'm pretty shy so he does most of the talking.

"Hey (y/n) Steve here wants to take you out," he said.

"Why didn't you tell me I'm not ready. I have no make up on." I turned around and went back into the kitchen.

"He just wants to take you out for the night," Billy said following me into the kitchen.

"I can't dinners in the oven." I said trying to make up exsuces.

"Well I can take care of that," he yelled obvious he was mad. He took the dinner out of the oven and threw it out the back door.

"There you want dinner so bad go get it."

"Billy!" I yelled as I ran to my room.


I sat on my bed crying, why wouldnt he tell me he's bringing someone over. I would have put real clothes on, put makeup on, and cleaned the house up.

I heard a knock at my door but didn't answer.

He knocked again, "(y/n)" a soft voice said. Clearly not my brothers. "Uh you know if you, you don't want to go out with me it's fine." he paused. I put jeans on and then he started talking again, "I thought you knew I was coming I didn't mean to scare you and all," I put a little bit of mascara on, "I asked Billy about a thousand times if you knew I was coming and he said yes. I'm really sorry." he stopped talking but I knew he was still standing there. I opened the door slowly walking out.


The date was fun, he took me ice skateing then we grabbed a bite to eat before we started walking again.

I didn't say much I was too shy. "You know some people say being shy is bad. But I don't think it is, I think it's smart. You know I can't keep my mouth shut. I talk when I should listen. But you always know when to listen. I think that's pretty cool."

"Thanks," was all I could say.

" so do you wanna come back to my place," Steve asked.

"I should get home. I have a lot of work."

"Oh ok."

We walked until Steve laced his fingers through mine. I smiled at the ground not wanting to draw attention to it.

We reached to door and I hesitated.

"Good night," he said.

"Good night."

We stood in akward silence again. He slowly leaned down and kissed me. It was one of the best kisses ever.

Hey Guys sorry it's so short. But I started writing this a few days ago and forgot about it. Another part should be coming out in a few days, it's a request so get excited, lol. I am taking request of you were wondering. Also sorry it's been a bit I've been busy with school and life in general. But it will be over soon. I'll be busy again by the end of the school year and then the imagines we be coming out so fast you won't know what to do with yourself. Anyway thanks for reading, God bless. Oh and happy 35 years!!!

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