43: soda part 2

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"Ok so I have good news. Everything is fine you just pulled a muscle. However we want to keep you over night for observation and make sure nothing changed. But if you want to go home we can send you home," the doctor informed us, "I'll give you a few minutes to decide."

I looked at my mom, she looked so tired and disheveled.

"What do you want mom," I asked.

"I want to go home honey, I'm so tired." she responded.

I looked at soda and nodded he went out to tell the doctor.

Dr. Murphy came back in, "ok so you've decided to go home," he asked and I nodded. "Ok so when you get home it's going to be hard to walk. But your just going to have to ice it and take some medicine."

I listened intently but I looked away and looked at soda. He was playing with his hands and looking down. I couldn't seem to get myself to look away. He looked up from his hands and met my eyes. He smiled at me, I blushed perfusly before looking away.


Darry drove us home and I helped my mom get out of the car. I practicly carried her into the house. I sat her down on the couch, I went to get her the ice pack and I wrapped it around her knee.

"Hey uncle Frank, it's (y/n)," I said into the phone.

"Oh hello (y/n). Is everything ok." he asks.

"Yeah, well no. Mom hurt her knee I have her at the house now but I was wondering if you could come over and help me out."

"Yeah should I bring everyone or just me." he said referencing his kids.

"Yeah everyone I guess for some comic relief, and if you guys still have that walker can you bring it."

"Yeah, no problem. I'll see you soon."

"See you."

I hung up the phone and went to talk to mom.

"Hey mom, I've got alot of work I need to do so Frank and the boys are gonna come over."


A few minutes later they showed up. I was so thankful the whole house has to be cleaned, I had school work, and I have a two part time jobs. One being a waitress and the other fileing down at the doctors office I did on the weekends.

I stood in the kitchen sweeping the floor when Frank came in, "do you have any pain medicine," he asked.

"Yeah. Oh no I totally forgot to give it to her." I grabbed the two I had set on the counter to give her earlier but forgot.

"Do you need any help I mean I've got four boys here."

"No I'm fine really," deep down I did need help terribly. I even needed  help when I had my mom to help me too.


I got all my work done and they left.

"Mom please use the walker."

"No I'm fine, I just have to get to the bathroom then to my room."

I walked my mom to the bathroom, while she was in there I went to get the walker. I opened it up and set it up in front if the door. She opened the door and laughed a little, "thank you."

I walked with her to her room and helped her into bed.

"Now mom please promise me you'll yell to me if you need anything."

"Yes honey. And thank you for everything."

"Your welcome." I said closeing the door and leaving.


I laid down in bed with a big sigh. I read for a bit before turning my light off. I laid on my side when I thought I heard something hit my window. I listened for a bit and heard it again. I slowly sat up pulling the corner of my curtin to look out. And I saw soda standing there. I opened my window to talk to him.

"What are you doing here." I asked.

"I'm here to see you."

"Alright come in its freezing out there."

He came in my room and we lied down in bed.

"Soda can I tell you something," I said flipping to my side.


"I think I like you."

"You do?" he looked at me surprised. I just nodded my head.

"I like you too."

We spent the rest of the night laying lazily around.

We ended up getting into a tickle fight.

"Soda stop," I wisper yelled as he kept tickling me. I couldn't hold in my laughter.

"Soda my mom is asleep." I said laughing some more.

He finally stopped.

"(y/n) Will you be my girl." he asked.

"I would love to," I replied.

He pulled me into a kiss. It was one of the best kisses I've ever had.

Hey guys I hope you liked it. I know it took a bit to get out And I'm sorry I've just been doing a lot. But on a lighter note I got 3k thank you so much. I can't believe it was just last week or so I got 2k. So thank you thank you thank you. Request are open and I would love to take some. As you can see I'm at a low on ideas. Anyway thanks for reading God bless.

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