102: steve

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Your POV

I sat my head against the window looking at the road as cars zipped by.
"(Y/n) please don't look so sad." My mom said to me.

"What was wrong with the farm. We were happy there. Everything was great. Now I'm leaving all my friends." I ranted. We were moving from a small town in Texas to Tulsa Oklahoma, a big city. I wasn't gonna fit in here, I'm not a city person I'm definitely a country girl.

"Honey we've been over this already a million times."

"I know I know. I just miss home."

"It'll be okay (y/n) I promise." She said turning around to look at me.

"Okay." I said dropping the topic.


We've been in Tulsa for three days and it's nothing like I imagined. The town was completely split into two sides. Greasers and socs, I fell into the  greaser side.

My alarm went off on Friday morning. I slapped it off and got ready for school.

I was the talk of that highschool, the new girl from out of town. I didn't make any friends yet, I've talked to a few people but haven't made friends. Plus this school is gigantic. My old school had 400 kids in the whole school, this ones got the 400 in each class.

I went about my school day minding my own business. I sat down in my last period math class and everyone filed in. A boy sat down next to me and he seemed nervous. "You're (y/n), the new girl, right?" He asked me.

"Yeah, and you are?"

"I'm Steve but I've got a favor to ask you." He said.

"Oh ok."

"Are you smart?"

"I'd like to think so."

"Well what was your average in this class at your old school?"

"92 I think."

"Oh wow so you are smart. Look you know we've got that quiz today right."

"Yeah what about it."

"I need your help. I suck a math, like so bad I'm failing this class right now. Could you maybe keep your paper to the side of your desk."

"Sure but what do I get in return."

"Alright everyone! Clear your desk. Test are being handed out so anyone talking will receive a 0." The teacher called.

"We'll talk later," Steve whispered.

We got out test and I looked through it. Since it was only a quiz the questions were kind of easy. I left my paper to the side. I peered over at Steve and I could see him working hard but when he got stuck he would look at my paper.

I studied his face, he was really cute. How did I not notice this before.

The final bell rang and everyone handed their quizzes in.

Steve ran to catch up with me as I left. "Thank you so much. I don't know what I can give you though." He said.

"I'll tell you what. I haven't made any friends yet and it's Friday night. So bring me to come meet your friends and we'll just hand out. Maybe make a day out of it."

"You wanna meet my friends?"

"Yeah. If they're all like you I'm sure I'll like them."

"Alright. We'll go over right after school?"

"Alright." I said. Since it was the end of the day I went to my locker.

Me and Steve were caught up in conversation when I went to turn to got to my locker he went straight.

"Where you going?" He asked.

"To my locker. Sorry did you want to go to yours first."

"No I don't use it anyway."


"Where did you say you're from?" Steve asked.

"A small town in Texas. Population 2,000."

"Wow that's really small."

"It's nice to know everyone. Makes the day exciting, you know, you never know who you're going to see when you go out."

"I guess."

I quickly grabbed my books and shut my locker.

"So are you like a 'country girl'?" He asked.

"To the fullest extent of the word." I giggled.

"but your not dressed like one."

"That's because these are my school clothes. Im trying to fit in. You should see my closet." I laughed.

Steve pushed the door open and held it for me. "Hey Steve where ya been." A boy called from the sidewalk.

"No where man, cut it." He yelled back, "look they're all going to think your my girlfriend when you first meet them so be prepared." He whispered turning around to me.

"Guys I want you to meet someone. This is (y/n), she just moved here." He said. "That's ponyboy, Johnny, and two-bit." He introduced.

"Hi," Johnny said meekly.

"Hello," pony answered.

"It's a pleasure," two said joking and kissing your hand.

"It's nice to meet all of you." You laughed.

"(Y/n)'s gonna hang out with us today."


I met the gang and it was like we've been friends forever. "What do you wanna do?" Darry said sitting in his chair.

"Can we go muddin'" I asked.

"What?" Pony asked.

"Mudding it's like you drive where there's no rode. Through the mud and get all messy." I said.

"I'll go!" Steve said. Everyone else opded out of activity.

"Darry can I have your truck keys." I asked.

"I don't know (y/n)."


"Fine," he said trowing me the keys.

I caught them and me and Steve drove out.

We drove until we found an opening into woods.

We drove all around and found a real muddy spot. I started to stay in that area whipping the car around. We we're both laughing and having so much fun. But the truck came to a screeching hault.

I looked at Steve as he looked at me, "Darry's gonna kill me." I said.

"We'll get out don't worry." He hopped out of the car and pushed while I put my foot lightly on the gas. Mud was flying everywhere but we still weren't moving.

"It's not worth it," I said getting it if the car. I opened the tailgate and sat down. Steve sat next to me.

"It's really beautiful out." I said.

"Not as beautiful as you are." He said looking at me. We stared at each other as we both slowly leaned in. We started kissing and soon were laid down in the bed of Darry's truck.

Hey guys I hope you liked this one. I know it's kind of different but I thought it was cute. Don't forget to vote, request are open. Thanks for reading, God bless.

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