108: darry

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For tenneesseewalker

J's POV.

I whistled as I walked up to my house from work. As I opened the screen and put my key in the door I heard a familiar nose. My parents fighting, their yells clearly heard from outside the door. I took a deep breath and opened the door. As soon as I walked in their yelling stopped.

"J you have to leave." My mom said looking at me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You need to leave here J." My mom said again.

"Uh when can I come back?" I said still standing in the door.

"Never J she's kicking you out," my dad yelled at me.

"W-what." I said looking at my mom.

"I'm sorry love." She said.

"Uh okay, well I guess I'll just go then." I said turning around, "bye." I said quietly.

I pulled my sweatshirt together around me. I went down to the dingo for a bite to eat. I was starving from walking home and then here.

"Water and a plain cheese burger please." I said to the waiter. I sat there swirling my finger around the table. How could they do this to me? Where did they expect me to go? They didn't even let me get my stuff. It's not like they're going to change their minds anytime soon.

"Thank you." I said as the waiter put down my food and water. I didn't have any family members I could go to. I haven't talked to my friends from highschool in years. The only people I had was the gang. I couldn't stay there though they all have enough on their plates. Well....maybe for one night but not for long.

I fished eating and left a ten on the table. I started to walk to the Curtis just in case they could do something. As I started walking I felt rain slowly fall on my head. "Of course. This is just my luck." I said kicking a rock. All sudden the rain came pounding down on me and I was soaked. Of course I don't have any other clothes so the Curtis house was my only option now.

I jogged to the house and knocked lightly on the door. "J what are you doing her. You're soaked!" Soda said answering the door.

"Can I come in." I said shivering.

"Oh yeah come right in." He said letting me in.

"Thanks." I muttered walking in.

"J what happened to you?" Darry said standing up.

"It started raining," I said laughing a bit.

"And uh..." He said pointing to his eyes.

"Oh my gosh sorry I forgot." I said. I had masscara running down my face a little bit from the rain and a lot a bit from crying. "I'm just gonna go uh clean up a bit." I said walking over to the bathroom.

I shut the door and took a look at the damage. My hair was a wreck and all my makeup was running off my face. I washed all the makeup off my face and started drying my hair with a spare towel as there was a knock on my door.

"Yeah?" I said.

The door slowly opened, " I brought you some of my clothes to change. Are you uh okay?" He asked handing me the clothes.

"Thanks Dar. And I'm fine." I said taking them.

"Are you sure. Is everything okay? At home and everything?" He asked.

"Well no...." I said sitting down on the side of the tub.

"What's up." He said. He put the seat down on the toilet and sat on it.

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