67: ponyboy part 1

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For ponybabecurtisslut

Kimmy's POV

I walked in science class just as the bell rings.

"Good morning class," Mr. Matthews said.

"Morning," a few of the kids said.

"We had a test yesterday and you know what that means," he paused for a second, "homework passes to the highest score. And in this case there was actually a tie. We had two 100's ponyboy and Kimmy. Guys come up and get your passes." He said a little too excited.

I glared at pony as we walked up to the front of the class. "Congrats guys." Mr Matthews said.

"Congratulations Kimmy," he said sarcastically

"Thanks ponyboy." I said back sarcastically.

Pony and I have been rivals since the first day of school. In everything in academics every quarter we would switch for top of the glass. In track, he was the fastest boy and I was the fastest girl. Even friends, he liked cherry and I liked Johnny, eachother's bestfriend. I know a greaser being best friends with a soc. Well it started as I was her tutor but we ended up clicking.


"Hey Cherry," I said walking to my locker to find her there.

"Hey Kimmy. Wanna hang out today." She asked.

"I can't I have track practice after school."

"How long is it I can wait for you."

"An hour. It's just running."

"Running for an hour?"

"No we stretch and get breaks." I said laughing.

"Alright well I'll wait for you."

"Thanks cherry."

We walked to the track at the back of the school after I got changed.

I went through practice like normal I went to a little grass section to pickup my bag at the end of practice.

"Hey Kimmy wanna race," pony asked .

"Of course." I said putting my bag down. "Hey Cherry come here." I yelled.

She came running over from the stands. "Yeah."

"Im gonna race pony wanna judge."


"Hey cherry," pony said smiling. Yuck.

"Hey pony," she said with a flirtatious smile.

We set up at the start of the track.

"3...2...1...GO!" Cherry yelled. I ran and ran I was in the lead by a little. I looked ahead in my lane and there was a hurtle in it. I couldn't switch lanes pony would accuse me of cheating. I ran and jumped the hurtle but I didn't quite make it. My ankle got caught on the top. I hit the ground hard and the hurtle landed on top of me.

"Kimmy." Cherry yelled from the other side of the track.

"Kimmy are you ok." Pony said stopping by my side.

I winced and rolled over I to my back. My knees and hands were all scraped up. "My back." I said. By now cherry was here.

"I'll look" she said.

Pony turned around and I rolled back on my stomach.

"Oh my God." Cherry said.

"What!" I asked.

"You have a bruise across your back."

"That must be what hurts." I said.

Pony turned back around. He reached his hand out to me to help me up. I gave him a look.

"You can trust me." He said reading my mind. I put my hand in his and he pulled me up. I felt this tingle starting at my hand and went all the way down my arm. What was that feeling I just got. I got the chills and shook the feeling off.


"Cherry can I tell you something," I said sitting cross-legged on my bed.

"Yeah," she said painting her nails.

"When pony helped me up I got this tingle in my hand and it went down my arm and then I got the chills." I explained.

"Oh my God Kimmy do you like him." She cheered.

"No. I couldn't. I like Johnny." I said leaning back on my bed.

"But the whole Johnny thing isn't going anywhere." She said.

"No I can't like pony."

"I think you do."

"But cherry you like pony"

"I don't like pony; I like that he likes me." She said.

We continued to chat for the rest of the night. It was about 11 when she finally left.


Pony's POV

I walked past the gym with Johnny, "ugh the dance." I said with a bad taste in my mouth.

"Do you think cherry will ask you?" Johnny said.

"No. Do you think Kimmy will ask you."

"Not really."

"Do you like Kimmy."

"I mean kind of, I don't know. Why?"

"Nothing." I said. But I was lying when I helped Kimmy up she looked different to me. Cuter and more attractive, maybe it was sweat running down her face from practice. I joked to myself. But even when I helped her up I don't know what came over me, normally I would make fun of her for falling and say I was better then her. But instead I helped her up.

"Hey Johnny can I ask you something." I said.


"So let's say you hate someone, never liked them. And then one day you wake up and see them differently and then suddenly you don't hate them anymore. You think they're kind of ok, what is that?"

"Pony what are you talking about."

"I-i don't know."

"Are-are you talking about Kimmy." Johnny asked.


"Wait pony do you like her."

"I don't know." I said a little confused myself.


Hey guys hope you like the first part of this imagine. It's gonna be way to long to make one part so I'm making it two. Dont forget to vote, request are open. Thanks for reading, God bless.

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