87: steve

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*your POV* *last day of school sophomore year*

I sat down in my algebra desk waiting for my friend violet to get there. She sat down next to me, "this is so stupid why did we have to come in today. We only have 15 minute classes." She whined.

"It's not that bad vi." I laughed.

"I mean we go to an assembly, then go to 15 minute classes, all only to get out at 10:30." She complained.

"(Y/n)," I heard someone say tapping my shoulder. I turned around and saw Steve. "I don't think you signed this," he said pointing to his year book.

"Oh uh I don't think I have, hold on let me grab mine," I opened my bag grabbing my book. "Here ya go." I said trading books.

I sturgled to come up with something to write.


        It was nice sitting next to you in algebra and that one government project. Keep in touch!

I finished writing and looked over to see him still writing. I looked to violet, "what is he writing," I mouthed to her.  She shrugged snickering at me. I traced over my words to make it seem like I was still writing. We finished at about the same time.

"Thanks," I said taking my book back and turning to violet.

"What'd he write?" She asked.

"I'm afraid to look." I said, "he wrote for so long."

"I'll look," she said and I handed her the book. She finished reading it and looked up at me.

"Well?" I asked.

"You need to read this yourself." She shut the book and handed it to me.

I flipped back to the last page my eyes scanning for his message. I found it and read it.


You were so sweet for helping me with math. And being the only person actually doing our government project. Don't change anything over the summer, your amazing. We should hang out this summer.


The bell range and we all rushed out of the room. "Don't change anything over the summer, your amazing?" I said to violet.

"I think he likes you (y/n)."

My heart fluttered at those words. "No one's ever liked me violet, what do I do." I sighed.

"I don't know do you think he's cute?" She asked.

"Yeah," I said smiling.

"Alright, well is he nice?"

"Yes," I said snickering. "Oh my God someone likes me," I squealed jumping up and down.

"I think you like someone," she laughed at me.

"Oh my God do I like someone?" I stopped in my tracks.

"(Y/n) are you ok?" She turned around looking at me.

"Do I like someone?" I looked at her confused.

"I personally think you do. But you need to get into your Spanish class. Your locker today." She said.

"Ok." I called to her as she walked to her class. I walked in and sat down in my Spanish class. Kids talked to each other all around me but I couldn't get it out of my head. What does he see in me? I'm nothing special, I'm pretty average looking. I'm not this amazingly smart person. Yeah I'm kinda smart but I'm not in the top 20.

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