Meeting the 9th

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3rd person's pov.

Today was Saturday.

Last time when Iemitsu went home, He bought a some books and Video games for both of the twins. But Ieyoshi doesn't want to read but for Tsuna books are important so immediately he trade his Video games for the books.

He was now on his room reading books and some if he don't understand some words he search through the loptop anyway. His currently want to learn about how to do simple hacking.

so he quickly close his book and went to his loptop, open it and went to youtube. Searching basic hacking and he quickly watch with interest.

But later then his happiness went to annoyance. The time when he saw how that guy already went to the medium hacking skills, like hacking files from a certain company that is famous his door was disturb by a knock. He quickly pause his video and shut his monitor down.

He open the door gently and look at his dad with a man with white hair wearing a expensive Italian suit.

"Hey Tsunayoshi. Can we come inside?" Iemitsu ask gently.

Tsuna just nod and let them inside his room. It was simple. The bed was neat, a simple desk with loptop and some self filled with books. But there were also some Italian books and English book in the bed.

"Tsunayoshi-kun, questo uomo è il mio capo Timeo, ciao hello neh~" Iemitsu said.

(Translated: Tsunayoshi-kun, this man is my boss, Timeo say hello neh~)

"Ehi è giusto parlare italiano?" Timeo said to Iemitsu.

(Translate: Hey, its is ok to speak Italian?)

"È ok, accanto a questo modo posso essere fluente nel parlare con esso. Qualcuno, bello per incontrarvi Timeo-san" Tsuna said and bow to Timeo gently.

(Translate: Its ok, beside in that way I can be fluent on speaking with it. Anywho, nice to meet you Timeo-san)

Timeo look at Tsuna with a slight of horror but then lean down and pat Tsuna's head.

"Ti ha insegnato tuo padre a parlare italiano?" Timeo said.

(Translate: Did your father teach you to speak Italian?)

Tsuna just shook his head.

"Ho trovato un dizionario italiano e un dizionario inglese con dizionario giapponese e ho un po 'di intesa" Tsuna said and he show the Dictionary he had found which on the bed.

(Translate: I found an Italian dictionary and English Dictionary with Japanese dictionary and I kinda interesting on reading it)

"Woah, È fantastico" Timeo said with a brightly smile.

Tsuna smile shyly and had a flushed cheek.

"Gr-Gr-grazie Timeo-san." Tsun said and bow politely.

(Translate: Thank you Timeo-san.)

Timeo smile back, he talks how Tsuna was cute and how Tsuna was excellent. Tsuna's cheek keep going on pink until it became red for feeling so shy.

Later on Nana called that they should be on dinner. Tsuna was quietly eating while Ieyoshi was bragging how he was good at sports and the star on the school in baseball. But he also brag that his good and have excellent grade. His teacher even gave him 'excellent' or 'very good' on the test paper of notebook.

"How about you Tsuna? Are you good at school?" Iemitsu ask, in Japanese this time.

Tsuna just shrug it and make himself as small as possible. He want to disappeared he was not use to this kind of situation. Usually his just silent and quiet and that's how he want it.

"um..." Tsuna was lost of words, his too nervous.

"Hah, Dame-Tsuna is too clumsy and bad at everything." Ieyoshi said.

Tsuna just make his body more smaller than he is, and his cheek became more cute than it is.

"Mou~ Iey-kun. Don't call your brother like that. " Iemitsu said.

"Eh, but that's true Dad." Ieyoshi said.

"No, Tsuna is not a Dame ok." Iemitsu said gently.

Timeo just smile and eat dinner with Iemitsu, but seeing Tsuna who is so quiet beside him he pat Tsuna's head.

"Stai bene?" Timeo send gently.

(Translate: Are you ok?)

Tsuna just nod gently and gave a soft smile to Timeo saying that he doesn't need to worried.

When dinner was done, he quickly went to his room and play with the fire he produce and also read some books or sometimes watch Video related on hacking.



Tsuna always spend his time on his room with an open window. He always read and always watch Video or some sord off to be entertained and his satisfied though.

But then he want to go to bookstore to find more books or in the Namimori public Library. But he stop along the way when he heard Ieyoshi's crying.

There he stop at Ieyoshi's door and try to sneak peak too.

"Don't cry ok. Its just flames. I can do it too." Timeo said and lean down as he produce that warm flames.

"See even my boss can produce too so don't cry." Iemitsu said trying to comfort but its clear in Iemitsu's eyes that he was proud and has a pride with Ieyoshi.

Tsuna wants to go in and say that he has the type of flames too, but quite that will cost a commotion. So he shrug it and despite that he continue to run down stair and went to the kitchen to find Nana, but Nana is out of site.

So he quickly went to infront of Ieyoshi door and knock first before Timeo open the door.

"Ah, Tsunayoshi-kun." Timeo said then lean down to Tsuna.

"Posso uscire per un po '? Voglio andare a Namimori's Public Library." Tsuna ask gently.

Timeo pat Tsuna's head. Then turn to Iemitsu. Iemitsu went to Tsuna.

"Are you be alright by yourself?" Iemitsu ask.

Tsuna nod. So Iemitsu said Yes he can go. So Tsuna go to Library. But something tell him that he was been followed, but all of those men who was following him is done no harm.

Little did he know that those men was Timeo's subordinates. Follow him and to protect him.


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Hope you like it 😄😄😄

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