Chapter 23

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ppppppppppp 3rd Person's pov.

@ Vongola Mansion Italy.

Knock Knock!

"Come in" A man name Timeo di Vongola said or also known as Vongola Nono.

The door open to revealed an infant wearing a fedora with a suit. On his shoulder you could see a green chameleon chilling.

"Good to see you my old Friend." The man name Nono said.

"Chaos Nono." The infant said as he sat down on the couch.

"I'm glad you came"

"Ofcourse you ask."

"Then I shall state it. I want you to train the potential Vongola Candidate namely Sawada Ieyoshi and Sawada Tsunayoshi.Here are the files." Nono said and hand over the files.

The infant accept the files and read them.

Sawada Ieysohi
Grade 7 student at Namimori
Good at sport (specially baseball) and strong
Good and a genius child.
The younger twin.

Sawada Tsunayoshi
Known as Dame-Tsuna
Useless, Adorable, Innocent.
All though a quite a genius
Small and Femine like
The older Twin.

Sawada Nana
A sweet lovable caring wife and mother.

There are also a picture attached to it.

"I'm guesting Baka-Mitsu write this useless information." the infant  murmur.

"He said that's what his wife said to him. Iemitsu himself was surprise to hear from his wife that the older twin is actually known as Dame. I too was surprise. When I got their I eventually saw with my own eyes that Tsunayoshi was a shy and quiet kid. He loves reading books specially History and Languages." Nono said.

"Hm, I once heard his voice on the phone. But I never met him. His interesting." the infant said.

Nono sigh. "Reborn my old friend, I want you to train both of them and choose between them who will the suitable Vongola Boss. " Nono said.

"You want me to pick the heir?" Reborn said.

"Can I trust you with it reborn?" Nono said.

Reborn said yes but No promises. He will train and choose the right heir to the Vongola Decimo's position.


"GoodMorning Mom." Ieyoshi said with a fake smile. Ofcourse he can't make his mom disappointed.

"Good Morning Too Ieyoshi." She said with a weak smile.

Ieyoshi frown. Since the day that his brother disappeared Nana stop calling him Ie-kun and Nana always look at the only picture of them completed. In any phonto album, Ieyoshi is the most picture of it. Tsuna has countable picture with that soft smile of his.

Ever since Tsuna was gone and never return Nana always gave a force smile, a weak smile. Its clear in her eyes that he miss her Tsu-kun. She did regret everything she has done to Tsu-kun. She only done that because her son was wrong, and Ieyoshi is right.

She knows her son was known as a Dame-Tsuna before and probably if Iemitsu will ask about Tsuna, she will tell another lie.

Iemitsu did call his son Tsuna long ago, but Tsuna didn't answer in any of his call. Its been 4 years since its done. He tried to call Verde to locate the phone since verde is the only one who can locate the specific phone, Verde did tell him that the phone was either destroyed or was sink in the bottom of the ocean. Since its the only possible answer why he couldn't track the phone.

A/n: Verde is a good lier.

"Don't worry Mom, soon will find...." Ieyoshi stop as he don't want to say the most hated name nor word he had in his life ".....Tsuna." Ieyoshi said.

Nana smile at Ieyoshi. "Ieyoshi thank you for being here. And thank you for not leaving me." Nana said with a smile.

"Ofcourse I'll never left you mom. I'm not like Tsuna.But I'm sure we will find him. But I think mom....Tsuna don't love you or care for you." Ieyoshi said with a sad smile, well its an act so that his brother reputation will got worse.

Nana frown and look down. "Because if he did, he will come back to you don't he?....But don't worry I'll always be here mom." Ieyoshi said as he hug Nana.

Nana brighten up and let her son embrace her. "I was really glad that your here Ieyoshi." Nana said with a smile.

Ieyoshi smile at Nana and kiss her cheek. "I'm going mom."

Nana smile. "Take care Ieyoshi."

Once the door close Ieyoshi's smiling face went to smirk.

" I'm glad Mom likes me still. Hah, Now that Dame useless will sure be more useless if he returns. But I wish he won't return because I have mom to myself and also Dad." Ieyoshi thought and continue to smirk.

He slowly walk towards his school, but as he glance his wrist expensive watch he panic.
"Shoot! I'll be bitten to death!" Ieyoshi scream in his head and run. Little did he know a certain infant was watching him saying " He has a very low Intuition.Don't you think Leon?"

Back to Ieyoshi.

His Running for his life because his going to be late.Well in his school, a certain skylark is going to bite him to death.

His scared of that skylark, but his more scared because his the apple of the eye target of that Skylark. The prefect demon bite him to death more hurtful than the other herbivores.

The skylark even call him a cockroach herbivore for being so pathetic and bastard.

Speaking of the skylark, he was glad that he had made to school before the bell rang because if not he will suffer that skylark bloodlust discipline.

The sky lark did glare at him, not just a simple glare. Glare daggers at him.

Ieyoshi really try his best to manipulate people with his act as being nice and sweet that's why all of them follow him and thinks his a good leader. Even Sadagawa Kyoko the idol girl in the school fall inlove with him, yet they are not still Boyfriend and girlfriend since Kyoko has her smart friend Hana.

Ieyoshi curse Hana for being smart. He had two targeted people  who he can't manipulate.

One is Kurosawa Hana, That girl is the smartest student among in the school. She's also a girl who fight for what is right, she will be suited as lawyer. And a good speaker. Ieyoshi curse his talent that he should have it.

The second person is the skylark known as the prefect Demon. Hibari Kyoya. He once try to be friends and act innocent to that guy, but that guy just bite him to death but not usual bitting its more hurtful. Its like Hibari was angry to him with no reason at all.

He really don't know why Hibari is angry at him when he did nothing wrong.

His a good kid.


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Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊

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