Chapter 3

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3rd person's pov.

"Tsk, Dame-Tsuna Dad love me better you know, and Mom too." Ieyoshi said with a smile and a proud face.

Tsuna just hum. His mind wasn't there he was thinking about those flames. If he could do it, Ieyoshi can do it, and also Timeo can do it that means there something up.

He knows that his dad wasn't a construction worker because of that particular flames. Its...Its impossible that Timeo and Iemitsu knows about the flames when there were constructions worker. So he was thinking on hacking the Vongola Companies files. Maybe he can get over it.

Tsuna snap out when he got a slam in the head by Ieyoshi. Ofcourse he stumble down and meet the floor.

Tsuna look at Ieyoshi.

"What is your problem?" Tsuna said almost growl.

"Tsk, Didn't you heard me?" Ieyoshi said.

Tsuna stand up and sigh heavily.
"What do you want me todo Ieyoshi-sama?" Tsuna said so maybe his twin will leave me alone.

"Wh-what did you just call me?" Ieyoshi said shocking what Tsuna said.

"One your bragging that Dad and Mom like you most. Don't you think I know that and heard that? Two what do you want me to do, call you Ieyoshi-sama and serve you like a prince? I can do it as long as you live me alone. You already have the attention on this world and I'm nothing so pls leave me alone!" Tsuna snap out and raise his voice almost yelled. He felt crying but he held his tears and run quickly leaving a shock Ieyoshi on the road.

Ieyoshi was shock and scared of what Tsuna just acted. Tsuna's action make him feel pain somewhere in the heart, its like something burning his chest. It was hurt. He don't know what's the right term to describe his feelings.

Tsuna went to his room immediately not even caring greeting 'I'm home' or anything. All he has done is go to his room curl like a ball in his bed and cry.

He don't know what really to do much, he knows his useless yet his trying to be usefull. What a pathetic kid he is.


Tsuna was often quiet, so quiet and that's normal. He didn't even showed up when Iemitsu and Timeo was going back to Italy for work. But he already said goodbye to his father and Timeo before they took off.

His father and Timeo, came to his room before saying goodbye. And Tsuna gave them each a present. A well stitched yarn animal. For Iemitsu it was a key chained made of yarn Lion shape. And for Timeo it was clam shape made of yarn keychained.

Both quickly hang the key chained on their phone and wallet as a remembrance.

When both was gone, Ieyoshi got more worst than ever. He always attempt to push Tsuna on the stairs, blame Tsuna for braking plates that he purposely brake, and worst Ieyoshi start to bullied Tsuna physically.

Bruises and bad injuries was on his pale skin. Yet he just say that he was just being clumsy. But its really really obvious that his injuries wasn't a being clumsy.

Tsuna tried to became smarter, like completing his homework, and scored 100 at every in his quiz and even test. But it make Ieyoshi angry more.

Ieyoshi even spread the word of being him as a cheater. His Dame nick name went to Cheater-Tsuna. Ieyoshi had no evidence but since his the apple of the eye so probably everybody believe him and his nothing.

So he stop trying and live by his name. Dame.

~ 7 years old ~

"What's wrong Dame-Tsuna? Too small to reach?" Ieyoshi said.

It was wrong, so stupid. So stupid that Tsuna leave his school bag on his desk when he just went to the bathroom yo go, yet next thing he know his stuff was stuck on the tree.

Ieyoshi and his friends put his stuff stuck on the tree branches. Honestly anyone can reach that branches but the problem is his too small. His body is almost a 4 years old body and his very light although his already 7 years old.

He keep on jumping and jumping to get those book and stuff.

"Aw... Dame-Tsuna can't even reach a simple branches." Ieyoshi teased and the other boys too. Tsuna just ignore and keep jumping to get his stuff.

He quickly add some force to it and almost got the bad when he jump but stumble when land along and his face meet the ground.

Ieyoshi's friends just laugh. And almost step on Tsuna's head but then they heard a voice.

"Why do you guys crowding?"

A dead silent went to them. Tsuna quickly stand up and try to get his stuff.

"Were just leaving Hibari-san." Ieyoshi said and run far away from that place.

Tsuna didn't mind Kyoya. He really, really want to get his stuff. His going to jump again when a tonfa was hit the tree to make the tree shake and his stuff flew towards the ground. Tsuna gladly catch the Tonfa and book.

He hardly and struggling to get that tonfa because it was heavy for him.

He stared at the tonfa dumbly.

Did the feared kid on the school just help him?

"Herbivore. My tonfa."

Quickly Tsuna gave the tonfa to Kyoya. Most of the kid was afraid with the taller kid 10 years old kid in front of him. But once you don't broke any rule of Namimori and Kyoya's rule. He will leave you alone.

"Thank you very much Hibari-sempai." Tsuna said and politely bow.

Kyoya just accept the book and gaze to the boy, before his gaze went to the book that was Tsuna reading. It was an English book.

Kyoya turn away as he leave Tsuna alone.

Tsuna just stared at the kid and smile as he got his belongings again. He need to be careful this time.


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