Chapter 7

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3rd person's Pov

Tsuna on the other hand just examine his gift. He blink once or twice before examine the cellphone infront of him. This cellphone is too much, its colored sunset yellow orange and has a beautiful design.

Its no just an ordinary phone though. Tsuna open the phone and immediately try hacking, first was the school files which is quite amazing though.

He notice the phone has strong firewall and its a phone that not easy to track. Its also waterproof and indestructible phone.

He wonder if this CP is really is his gift, its too hightech to be with his. But his Dad did a great wrapping, so probably its really his.

suddenly he jolted and had throw the phone away when it started to Vibrate and ring. Yet Tsuna was glad the the phone was indestructible due to the fact that despite the phone hit the ground hard the phone was still in one piece.

He quickly got the phone and answer the call.

"U-U-Umm...." Tsuna lost of words.

"Chaos Baka-mitsu! Porta questo telefono qui prima di sparare la pallottola attraverso il tuo cranio!" A cold yet deadly voice said, ofcourse for Tsuna he understand what the other line said.

(Translated: Chaos Baka-mitsu!Bring this phone here before I shoot bullet through your skull)

"Um...Que-Questo telefono attuale è nelle mie ma-mani pro-proprio ora. Iemitsu po-potrebbe spedire il telefono per errore." Tsuna said quite shuttering.

(Translate:This current phone is in my hands rightnow. Iemitsu might send the phone to me by mistake.)

With that the phone on the other line hang up. Tsuna was scared yet stared at the phone dump founded. He really now that this phone wasn't for him, but he wants this phone its a good phone and its suitable for him.

If Iemitsu will buy a phone for him that isn't hightech like this probably it won't last a week due to his clumsiness and bullies. This phone was a great.

Tsuna keep doing some stuff on the phone and explore it more before. Its been 30 minutes since he explore the phone and he was definitely sure that this phone was made by someone who's a genius. But second later the phone vibrate. Tsuna answer.

"Hello?.." The other line said. Tsuna know that voice anywhere. That voice is 100% sure that its was his father, he smile brightly.

"Dad! Thank you... A thousand thank you for giving me this phone. Thank you really dad...I don't really know why you gave such a wonderful phone but thank you dad, you made me happy." Tsuna said cheerfully on his voice hoping that his Dad won't take the phone back, He know its being selfish, but it was just one phone right?

["Are you happy Tsuna?"] Iemitsu said.

"Why wouldn't I be happy? This gift is wonderful, but it will be great if you could come home and spend time more..." Tsuna said braking his cheerful voice to a sad voice. He really does miss his father.

A silent went from both of them and its wasn't comfortable at all. Tsuna could heard that the other line just sigh heavily.

["Then I'm glad you like my gift Tsuna."] Iemitsu said.

"Ofcourse I loved it. Thank you dad." Tsuna said happily.

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