Chapter 10

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3rd person's Pov.

Tsuna only got 4 hours sleep. Its already 5:30 am. And yes he need to wake up early to avoid commotion.

Commotion like Bullies piking on him, or bullies early in the morning will chase him and worst is if he walk with his brother who clearly just brag how DAME he is.

So he quickly wake up and fix hisself and not bothering to eat quickly existed the house. But he did say goodbye to Nana though. (Nana still care for Tsuna, but not that much and Tsuna is fine with it)

Along the way, Tsuna meet up with Hibari in the exact place where they will always encounter and walk towards the school. Its exact 6:30am.

They know its pretty early, (For Hibari its normal to be early as possible) this gives them time to chill on the roof or even to lazy all around in Tsuna's classroom or either Hibari (since No student is approaching yet) but if they prepare in the roof most very often because its peaceful.

Tsuna never did tell Hibari about the flames nor the GHOST because neither of that Hibari is still a normal person without a magical power, except for his obsessed on protecting Namimori's rules. (According to Tsuna)

Hibari might think weird or think that Tsuna is an alien come from another dimension that has flames and Hibari won't believe those Ghost.

Once the bell rang, they went to separate classes and as usual Tsuna start to doze off, he may be a DAMe who always trip out of nowhere and his teacher is disappointed on him most often because his not doing really good.

When lunch came, instead Tsuna will go to the roof, before he could reach their his brother (Twin to be exact) grab his wrist drag back of the house.

"Dame-Tsuna! My friend here forgot his lunch. Gave us your lunch." Ieyoshi said more like an order.

Tsuna just shrunk and look at the floor feeling so scared and nervous. "I-I-I don't have an-any lu-lu-lunch." Tsuna reply,he receive a very good Smack from Ieyoshi. Tsuna kiss the floor.

"LIER!" Ieyoshi said as he kick Tsuna and Tsuna was send to a wall, Tsuna embrace his stomach as he hiss in pain.

"Tsk, then if you don't have any Lunch. Then your money instead." Ieyoshi said grab Tsuna's stuff and start messing it around like a garbage. There Ieyoshi found a wallet, as he open it he was surprise it had only some few coins on it.

"What the? This money of yours can even but a satisfying lunch." Ieyoshi complain.

"But if you think about it. That money is enough to satisfy a one person's lunch." Tsuna thought as he mentally roll his eyes, his still on the ground hissing in pain.

"Tsk, what a useless DAME-Brother. Why the hell did you even exist?" Ieyoshi said as he walk away, but he did take the money.

Tsuna only want to sleep and let darkness consume him, but his place isn't really the best place to sleep. So he quickly stand up enduring the pain and fix his stuff before going to the roof.

Luckily for him Hibari wasn't there yet so he was gladly sit in his spot and lay down (His bag as his pillow) and sleep as darkness take over him.

Hibari on the other hand, as soon the bell rang he would like to go to the roof immediately but his teacher extend a little bit of time before dismissing him.

He can't really complain about that because sometimes Teacher need to extend a time even for a little just to finish the lesson for today.

Once Hibari got on the roof. He quickly took a glance of Tsuna who is sleeping un peacefully. His face was in pain and his clenching his small hands into fist literary making it whiter.

Hibari immediately approach Tsuna and set Tsuna on his lap. Hibari quickly shook Tsuna.

"Tsunayoshi, wake up." Hibari said.

Tsuna didn't do anything instead, he was in pain again.

Hibari keep waking Tsuna until Tsuna jolted awake and start to pant hard and in the middle of the panic. Hibari quickly pull Tsuna on a hug to make Tsuna calm.

Tsuna burried his face in Hibari's chest and start to breath slowly as he start to relax. He felt so safe, so calm, so nice went his with Hibari, the scent of Hibari alone is calming. It felt warm and good.

Slowly Tsuna fell asleep again and this time he was peacefully sleeping on Hibari's lap. Hibari want to wake this brunet up, but he figure out that this brunet needs a sleep.

So Hibari sigh heavily,carry Tsuna bridal style ( His light Hibari thought) And went to a corner where Hibari can lean to a wall while Tsuna can lay on his lap peacefully

Hibari then look at Tsuna.

He really don't know why is he attach ti this boy. That they he met this small cute little usagi jumping on a tree to get his stuff (With those herbivores who put them their) was clearly just that, he was just feeling so generous to help.

Yet, this boy thank him. Since when did someone did thank him? The answer is never. His dad and mom always told him that to be friends with herbivore is a point weak. But....Its that true?

He shook his head and forgot about his parents for a moment, he don't want to remember those two again who is worst. He hated them from the moment he was born, because of a certain reason (can't revealed yet) but... he kinda enjoy his time with this brunet on his lap.

That day on the roof where he enjoy the peaceful yet comfortable silent of him and the brunet. Then finally when he decided to be with the brunet who has an angelic voice, calming and warm smile which he was so mesmerize.

Then it was the day where the brunet ask him for lunch and he gladly accepted it, yet he was surprise to find out that Tsuna was being bullied by his brother and has mother who call him useless.

He remember his parents call him that, it made him mad thought.

But all wash up, when he saw the brunet on his lap. This brunet is the only reason he can make hisself calm, and this brunet on his lap. He Hibari then got more furious and angry once he saw those newly bruises on Tsuna's arm and lower knees.

He can see that those were new,

Hibari now was emitting bad aura which cause Tsuna to wake up. He immediately say sorry to Hibari and went home.

As Tsuna got home, he immediately went to his room and sleep again. Eating nothing for a day, Tsuna felt weak and numb even to move so instead he sleep his hunger.

Thanks for reading
Hope u enjoy it 😄😄

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