Chapter 36

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3rd person's pov.

When Tsuna wake up, he was surprise to found himself on his room. He was certain that he pass out in the roof while sparring with Kyoya.

Tsuna wonder what happen next. But shrug it off. Then Tsuna fix hisself before going yo the dinning room. Once he open it he was greeted by Yuni and Chrome.

"Good Morning Cielo-nii" Chrome and Yuni called.

"Morning to you guys. How was your first day?" Tsuna ask as he take a sit and eat breakfast.

"Its find, we meet some friends along the way." Yuni said.

"That is good though." Tsuna said.

"How's your day Cielo-nii?" Chrome ask.

"Fine, I meet up with a guy name Hibari Kyoya. Turn out his my friend." Tsuna said.

"You mean him?" Chrome said as he look at Kyoya who's staying away from them as possible. He hate crowding.

"HHHHHIIIEEEEE? Wh-What are you doing here?" Tsuna said.

Kyoya smirk but glare at Tsuna. "Hn. Girly scream. Stop" Kyoya said as he eat.

"Hey, Its not girly, its just you surprise me. What are-" Tsuna defend but he was cut by slamming of the door.

"Cielo-sama. I'm here." Hayato said worriedly. He went to Tsuna and check Tsuna if his ok or not.

"I'm fine Hayato. I just surprise Kyoya was here." Tsuna said.

Hayato glare at Kyoya. "why in the world this bastard will be here?" Hayato said.

Tsuna look at Kyoya too waiting for an answer.

Kyoya did nothing but to glare with those two. Tsuna did shrug it and continue eating with Hayato by his side.

Once done, The trio went to the school earlier. Well most often Tsuna and Hayato talk and Kyoya just listen to both of them. Even he hates crowding, when Tsuna is around, he can deal with it. Beside they were going to the same direction.

But they got a glimpse of Reborn who is smacking Ieyoshi with a giant Ruler. Ieyoshi was arguing and yelling at Reborn about waking him early in the morning with an electricity.

"Good Morning Reborn-san, Sawada-San right?" Tsuna said to them with a smile.

Ieyoshi glare at Tsuna. "Tsk, A Dame like- Ow Reborn!" Ieyoshi said but was cut of by Reborn who smack his head with a ruler again.

"A good boss should greeted others nicely specially when its early in the morning." Reborn lecture.

"Hah. As if I greeted a Dame useless like him." Ieyoshi said as he roll his eyes.

"What did you say about Cielo-sama!?" Hayato said and glare at Ieyoshi who just roll his eyes.

"Look who's talking. A loser is always belong to a loser." Ieyoshi said.

Hayato was about to attack Ieyoshi but Tsuna stop him and sigh.

"Let's just go Hayato. My second day in school can't end up wrong. I already have enough fighting yesterday with him." Tsuna said as his gaze look at Kyoya who just smirk. "Beside its fine." Tsuna said.

"If Cielo-sama say so." Hayato said.

Tsuna then walk inside the school. With Kyoya who is leaning on the gate waiting for Herbivores to be late so he can bite them to death.


Class as usually boring specially when the teacher was teaching a nonsense lecture that was so far far from the subject it self. Its out of the topic.

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