Chapter 65

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3rd person's pov.

The class begin and Enma was sitting infront of Tsuna who happily smile at Enma.

When Lunch came, Tsuna was about to slip in without Hayato and Takeshi to the roof where he thought Kyoya was there, He was stop on the tracks when Hayato pointed at Enma.

"What in the fucking world those shimon Decimo is doing here?" Hayato stated.

"Maa~ Maa~ Calm down Haya-chan." Takeshi said. Hayato glared at Takeshi.

"How many times do I fucking told you not to call me that!?" Hayato said angrily.

And the one sided fight shall begin.

Tsuna on the other hand look at Enma.

"Hey Kozarto-san. My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi. You can call me Tsuna." Tsuna said happily.

"Y-you can call me Enma." Enma said feeling a little bit of shy.

"Come on Enma, Don't be shy around me. By the way, Shimon Decimo?" Tsuna ask confusedly.

Suddenly Reborn appeared in the desk of Tsuna.

"This is Enma Kozarto, The Shimon Decimo of Shimon Famiglia. Shimon Famiglia is one great alliance of Vongola Once until a certain event made it broken." Reborn said.

"An event?" Tsuna ask. Reborn sigh. Tsuna look at Enma happily.

"How about we talk about it? I guest in the roof?" Tsuna said its also a great chance to talk to Kyoya. But he was surprise Kyoya wasn't on the roof.

Maybe his in his office"Tsuna thought. "Guest need to talk to him later." Tsuna noted. He then sat down on the particular spot along with others.

"Do you have your lunch Enma-kun?" Tsuna ask, Enma shook his head indicating a No.

Tsuna then took a purple bento which was purposely  for Kyoya, but Kyoya is nowhere so it won't hurt to give it to Enma.

"Here take this." Tsuna said.

"N-No, I can't possibly take it." Enma said.

"Its fine Enma-kun." Tsuna said with a smile.

"So Reborn was about that broken thingi you said about?" Tsuna ask curiously.

"You don't mind talking right Shimon Decimo?" Reborn said.

"Not at all Reborn-san." Enma stated.

"Well, its an event where Rumors that Giotto di Vongola Kill Cozarto Shimon the founder of Shimon Famiglia and probably your ancestor" Reborn stated.

"Gi-Gi-Giotto-nii kill Cozarto? Why would he do that?" Tsuna stated in disbelief.

"In our family history said that Vongola Primo did that because he wants Vongola will stay at the top." Enma stated. "Ofcourse as an Shimon Decimo I believe it, but there are times when I saw my own ancestor in my dreams. He always stated that I shall not believe in that history. Because something in that matter is wrong. So that's why, in whole century of my Famiglia. When I sat down and take the throne, I then once again create an alliance to the Vongola to found out the truth. Many disagree with my own decision, even my guardians Did." Enma explain.

"Then how about We talk to Primo and his guardians? I know a way to communicate with them. But its only an amount of time." Tsuna said happily. "So what will you say Enma-kun?" Tsuna said happily.

Enma first hesitated but his heart of intuition (even its not that strong) said that he shall trust Tsuna.

"Ok." Enma agree. Tsuna smile happily and held Enma's hands. "Tomorrow is Saturday Right? Meet me at Namimori Shrine. There we shall summon Giotto-nii and the others. I can't wait." Tsuna said as he was chuckling. He admit that he miss the Ghost before they disappeared out of nowhere. But Giotto said if Tsuna needs help just summon them in Namimori shrine and they will appeared.

Enma was mesmerize by the smile of Tsuna.
"I guest Cozarto- nii is right. Tsuna will be the sky who will make things right." Enma thought happily.


cClass end up and Tsuna wave goodbye at Enma and to his two guardians saying he needs to meet up with Kyoya. Hayato wants to come with his precious Cielo-Sama but stop by Tsuna saying Kyoya hates crowding So Tsuna run away from them and went to the disciplinary Committee's office to find Kyoya sleeping on the couch.

But it wasn't a good sleep at all, it was a bad sleep. He saw Kyoya was clenching his hands into a fist.

Tsuna lean down beside the couch and put his hands at Kyoya's eyes and speak softly. "Kyoya, Try to calm your self down." Tsuna softly speak.

Tsuna felt Kyoya tense a little bit.

"Pls, I'm here by your side remember?" Tsuna speak softly.

Bit by bit Kyoya loosen up.

"Kyoya, remember I'm here. When your down and if something wrong I'll always be here beside you." Tsuna said softly.

Tsuna saw Kyoya completely Relax. He got he his hand and look at Kyoya who just been awaken. Kyoya sat up slowly and pat a sit beside him. Tsuna went their and was surprise when Kyoya hug him.

"Thank you Tsunayoshi." Kyoya whisper.
"Any time Kyoya." Tsuna hug back.

They went like that for how long, Tsuna didn't mind beside its quite comforting and felt right. He want to comfort Kyoya just like how Kyoya comfort him during those days when his alone.

Once the hug was broken, Tsuna smile at Kyoya. His gaze then went to Kyoya's desk which led to many Papers.

"Huh? You have a lot of paperworks? How about I'll help you Kyoya." Tsuna said happily.

"Hn." Kyoya said. Tsuna don't know if that as a Yes or No but he take that as a yes and help Kyoya in his office.


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Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊

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