Chapter 45

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3rd person's pov.

I-pin and Ieyoshi both wake up slowly in the same time.

"Wh-Where Am I?" I-pin stated.

"Your in the Namimori hill I-pin -chan." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Why?" I-pin ask.

"You attack Ieyoshi thinking his your target." Tsuna stated.

"He isn't?"


Tsuna hand over a pair of glasses which I-pin gladly accept. Then she examine really her target and admit that she was wrong.

"I-pin is sorry for what she did." I-pin said as she look down.

"STUPID! You should apologize!!" Ieyoshi yelled.

Tsuna manage to glare at Ieyoshi who just roll his eyes and ignore Tsuna. "I'll make you pay." Tsuna thought as he turn his gaze towards I-pin.

I-pin look down and was about to cry, Tsuna grab I-pin and hug her tightly.

"Its ok, its ok. Everybody makes mistake. From that mistake you'll learn neh~" Tsuna said with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Thank you very much Ahm..."

"Tsuna, call me Tsuna."

"Tsuna-nii then"

"Where are your parents?"

I-pin look down.

"I don't have any parents. Since I was so young, Master is the one who took care of me." I-pin explained

"Master?" Tsuna ask.

"His master is the Storm Arcobaleno Fon. A member of Chinese Triads. The triads uses I-pin skills just to get rid of her thinking she is just useless for Fon. Fon do care for her its just, fon its busy." Reborn stated.

"Well, that's rude. How about you came home with us?" Tsuna ask.

"Really? I-pin can come?"

"No!" Ieyoshi yelled. "She can't stay." Ieyoshi said.

"Yes, She will. She can behave and she could just sleep in my room if that's a problem." Tsuna stated at the sametim glare at Ieyoshi.


Reborn smack Ieyoshi's head.

"A boss should help others to gain TRUST!" Reborn stated.

"Tsk, In this world you only trust yourself not others. Because they are all useless." Ieyoshi stated.

Reborn sigh. "why your a suitable for a boss." Reborn stated and it has an obvious hint of sarcasm.

"Ofcourse I am." Ieyoshi stated proudly.


Reborn smack him again.

"Hey what was that for!"

"Ofcourse its for being an Idiot"

Ieyoshi roll his eyes.

Tsuna walk away with I-pin in his arms.I-pin was happy that her new Tsuna-nii is nice to her, although she really doesn't like Ieyoshi at all.


Along the way, Tsuna bump into a child with messy black hair, pale skin, has green eyes.

"Sorry." The kid said as he bow.

Tsuna put I-pin down and lean down towards the kid.

"Its fine, what are you doing running so quick." Tsuna ask the kid.

"They are chasing me." The kid said as he pointed the mens behind him. The kid hide at the back of Tsuna.

"Hey, Brat. Surrender that kid to us. His Father is waiting." One of the men shouted.

"No I don't want to go home! Father and Mother order you guys to kill me!" The kid shouted.

"Its because your useless!" One of the man said.

"You know what? I won't surrender this kid. I'll take care of him so he won't be a bother to you." Tsuna stated gently.

"No, our boss order us to kill him" One of the man said.

"Which Famiglia are you in?" Tsuna ask.

"Why should we tell?" The random man ask coldly.

"I Cielo Tsunayoshi Giglio Nero, From Giglio Nero Famiglia under Aria's command. I'll adopt this child no matter what you like or not. Or else, I'll wipe out your entire family." Tsuna said calmly.

Some of the men gulp and some sweatdrop hearing the 4th strongest famiglia in the Mafia world. But then some didn't believe.

"As if we will believe a Kid like you." One of the man said. Tsuna release a sky flame on his hand. "As I went to Hyper dying will mode, I wonder if you all will still be alive?" Tsuna said almost like a warning.

"We won't listen to you. A mission is a mission." The man said then attack Tsuna.

Tsuna did not went to HDWM but he did fight with hand to hand combat and  dodge the other attacks.

After 3 minutes all mens are down and all are badly bitten. Tsuna just smirk and turn around to saw a 2 Shocking kid.

Tsuna walk towards the new kid and look at the kid and lean down. The kid was crying.

"Hey don't cry. I won't hurt you. " Tsuna said as he wipe those tears away.

"No *sob* I'm crying *sob* because *sob* its a first time *sob* someone defend me." The kid said while crying. He quickly wipe his own tears andhug Tsuna.

"Thank you very much Onii-chan, Thank you very much." The kid said.

"My name is Tsuna. What's yours?" Tsuna ask.

"La-La-Lambo. Lambo Bovino." The kid stated happily.

"Then Lambo? Would like to come home with me together with I-pin?" Tsuna ask.

"Un." Lambo happily nod and smile.

"Then lets go home lambo." Tsuna said as he gave lambo a warm smile.

"Thank you Tsuna-nii." Lambo said.

"I-pin wants to thank Tsuna-nii too."

"Your all welcome."  Tsuna said with a smile.

Then Tsuna together with two kids walk home along the way, but someone tap Tsuna's shoulder Tsuna look who it was,




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Hope you enjoy 😊😊😊

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