Chapter 58

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3rd person's pov.

Tsuna gave the guest a confuse look before smiling.

"Welcome Basil-san. Come in." Tsuna said with a smile.

"HOY! DAME-TSUNA! HOW DARE YOU LET ENTER A STRANGER!" Ieyoshi yelled up stairs. Tsuna ignore his brother and smile at basil and let him in.

Ieyoshi was furious and came down stair but a bullet stop him. Ieyoshi look at Reborn and smirk before grumpily heading out of the house.

Tsuna sigh. "I'm sorry about my brother." Tsuna said.

"It-Its fine." Basil said and came inside the house. But before Tsuna can close the door, Tsuna saw an expensive car stop infront of their house. First came out was Tsuna recognize them. It was Romario, one of Dino's Mens.

Then after that Dino came out.

"Hello Lil bro." Dino greeted with a smile.

"Hello too Dino-nii. Come in." Tsuna offer.

"Gladly."Dino said and he came in. His men left outside.

Then Dino and Basil met each other.
"Ciassu Cavallone Dino-sama" Basil greeted.

"Its fine, Dino is fine." Dino smile and turn his head towards the Tsuna then to Reborn who's at Bianchi's lap.

"What are you doing here Basil?" Dino ask.

"I came here for Vongola Decimo" Basil said. Dino frown at that word. "I saw him just left a whil- Ow." Dino said but his words was cut by Reborn who smack him.

"What was that for Reborn?" Dino ask.

"There will be a new Vongola Decimo. Tsuna will be the new Decimo instead Ieyoshi because his not fitting." Reborn said.

Dino smile wider and hug Tsuna like a teddy bear. " I'm soooo happy that lil bro is going to be the Decimo. I'm so happy neh~" Dino said happily.

"O-ok Fine." Tsuna said with a smile.

"So you will be the Vongola Decimo? Then I shall discuss an important matter with you." Basil said politely.

"Its fine. Come sit. I'll prepare some snacks." Tsuna said.

"I-pin, Lambo, Fuuta, Will the three of you ok if I send you to your room? Were going to discuss some matters first." Tsuna said to the kids. The happily nod but said they are going to the park instead.

"Its fine by me. Dino-nii, Can you ask one of your mens to keep an eye on them pls." Tsuna said.

"Ok, No proba Lil Bro." Dino said.

As long the kids were out, they discuss in the living room.

"What do want Basil?" Tsuna ask nicely.

"I came to give you this."basil said as he give a box that has a Vongola Crest on it.

Tsuna got the box and open it.


"Not just ring. They are Vongola Rings."Reborn said.

"I once inform by this Vongola Rings." Tsuna said unconsciously. "Giotto-nii said they are powerful Rings that can give us extra power within in our flames." Tsuna explain.

"Truth." Reborn said.

"Then shall you have those Rings?" Dino said. "Nono said that the Decimo and his guardians should have it."

"The problem is, The Varia" Basil said.

Tsuna narrowed. "Varia? You mean the group that Xanxus lead?" Tsuna said.

"How did you knew?" Reborn said.

"Oh? Aria-san once mention it to me before." Tsuna said with a smile.

"A-Aria? The Leader of Giglio Nero Famiglia?" Dino said.

"Yes, Speaking of he-" Tsuna said the door bell rang.

"Oh they here." Tsuna said with a smile and ran towards the door. He open it and his smile grew bigger.

"Mom!" Tsuna said as he hug aria.

"Ara~Ara~ Tsu-kun. Looks like your doing fine." Aria said happily.

"Come in Mom, Reborn is here and the others." Tsuna said.

"Hello Tsuna." Verde said and jump in in Tsuna's head. Tsuna chuckle. "Hello uncle Verde." Tsuna said happily.

"Hi Tsuna." Skull jump on Tsuna's shoulder. "Hello Skull." Tsuna said happily.

Then Tsuna lead Aria on the living room. Reborn was surprise.

"Oh? Looks who's here." Verde said as his attention wS on Reborn. Reborn glare at him in return.

"Oh? Hello Dino." Aria greeted happily.

"Ciassu Aria-sana." Dino greeted politely.

"Ara~ You don't need to be so formal. Its fine." Aria said happily.

"What are you doing here Aria?" Reborn said.

"Well, I came here to visit Tsu-kun. And oh? I love to take a permission from his true parents to have a vacation with Tsu-kun." Aria said. "Yuni-chan Loves to see him again and also Chrome-chan." Aria added.

"Oh? So that's what you came here mom?" Tsuna said but then frown a little bit.

"What's wrong Tsuna?" Verde ask. "Did the Idiot Reborn did something to you?" Verde continue. Reborn glare at Verde.

"No, He didn't Stop teasing him." Tsuna said. But then Verde jump and went to Tsuna's lap. Verde manage somehow to pout. "I'm not teasing him, I'm just asking." Verde said childlisly.

Tsuna chuckle and pat Verde's hair. "Its fine Verde. But I can't really be with a vacation with you." Tsuna said.

"Why not Tsu-kun?" Aria said.

"Because I believe Basil came here to tell me something important." Tsuna said.

"Yes, Tsunayoshi-Sama-"Basil said but was cut of by:

"Tsuna is fine. I hate formality anyway" Tsuna said.

"O-Ok Tsuna. I came here to tell that Varia's are after you and the rings to reclaim the position of Vongola Decimo." Basil said.

"Oh? Why can't he be the Vongola Decimo then? I mean Xanxus?" Tsuna said.

"Its because Tsu-kun, he doesn't have the blood of Vongola. You are the chosen one. Primo did chose did he?" Aria said. "I believe in you so thus Luce aren't she?"

Tsuna look down and gave a weak smile. "I- I... Yeah... I believe in her and myself." Tsuna said. Aria chuckle.

"Don't worry, The great skull-sama will be at your side." Skull said.

Verde smirk. "I too Tsuna, And let Reborn go away." Verde said. Reborn shoot a bullet on Verde but Verde dodge it and instead tease Reborn more.

Tsuna just laugh seeing Reborn pissing face. Dino also laugh thinks that his Ex-tutor's face was really really priceless. But then both gulp and run in fear when reborn point leon on them and shoot a bullets. Aria just chuckle to the scene.

"Your right Luce. Tsuna is the sky who can bring peace in the world." Aria thought.


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