Chapter 48

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3rd person's pov.

When Tsuna walk home with Hayato and Takeshi along the way. Tsuna notice some man with black suit surrounding the house.

"What's going on?" Tsuna ask gently one of the mens.

"Sorry, we only allowed a Sawada to enter the house." The men in black said.

"ookkkaaayy?" Tsuna was confuse, then the door open revealing Reborn.

"Let him in, he lives here." Reborn stated, and the men let Tsuna in.

"Thanks for walking me home Hayato-kun, Takeshi-kun. And oh? Hayato." Tsuna said stop for a moment and look something on his bag. He then got a 6 bento boxes. "Those are homemade chocolates that Mom requested. Pls give each one to them. The dark green one is for Mom, The Orange one is for Yuni, The indigo one is For Chrome, the light green one is for Verde, the violet one is for Skull and the yellow one is for Dad.( Gamma) Can you deliver this for me?" Tsuna said.

Hayato smile brightly at Tsuna. Finally, his precious boss gave him a mission.

"I'll be honor Cielo-sama." Hayato said.

"Ok then Hayato. Goodbye and stay safe." Tsuna wave goodbye.

"Ok Cielo-sama." Hayato said.


Once Tsuna was inside the house, he notice that Dino-Sensei is at the dining table.

"I'm home Maman." Tsuna greeted.

"Welcome Home Tsuna, We have visitor." Nana said happily.

"Dino-Sensei? What are you doing here?" Tsuna ask gently.

Dino smile at Tsuna and pat Tsuna's head. "I came here to meet the Vongola Decimo. But it seems Reborn explain to me that He has a missing older twin brother which is you. No wonder you two look a like." Dino said with a smile.

Tsuna cheeks turn pink slightly and and look down feeling shy. "Ye-Yeah." Tsuna said then he look around. "Where is Ieyoshi by the way?" Tsuna ask.

"Well..." Dino said.


When Ieyoshi came home, he saw some men in black around his house. He then went inside because he has a feeling that Reborn has to do something with this.

But then he was stop by one of the man.

"Sorry sir, only a Sawada May enter this house." The men said.

"But I'm Sawada Ieyoshi! Idiot now Move!" Ieyoshi said grumpy.

The men move and let Ieyoshi enter.

"Ok, REBORN! What is going on!? Why is there a man surrounded in the whole House!?"  Ieyoshi said.


Reborn kick Ieyoshi's head.

"Ow.." Ieyoshi pat his own head where Reborn kick him. " Why you stupid sadist Infant!" Ieyoshi said as he glare at Reborn. Reborn just smirk.

"Listen up, Baka-Yoshi. This is Dino Cavallone, A boss of a Famiglia that is alliance to Vongola. His my Precious student he came from Italy to meet you." Reborn stated.

"Hello." Dino greeted with a smile in his face.

"Tsk, I don't care, Get those mens out of here." Ieyoshi said.

"But.. Ah.. You see I can't." Dino said.


"Because without a his subordinates, Dino's skills will decrease let say more than half of it." Reborn stated.

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