Chapter 68

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3rd person's pov.

"Nufufufu~" Deamon said as he saw Cozarto was being summon and immediately attack Cozarto which Cozarto gladly dodge.

"Wh-Wha-What? De-Deamon Spade!?" Cozarto said shocking.

"Nufufufu~ Hello my dear traydor friend." Deamon said with a smile, but an evil smile while holding a scythe.

"Heh? HHHEEEEE...Wa...Wait!" Cozarto said running chase by deamon.

"Hoy, Melon stop chasing the Idiot!" G said.

"Maa~ Maa~ can you all just calm down?

"EXTREMELY stop fighting."

"Taydor Friend?" Tsuna ask.

"Ah~ Well about that....." Giotto said, he sit in the middle between Tsuna and Enma.

"You see back in out time..... Deamon has a wife name Elena. Elena is a beautiful girl who is like..... A gorilla girl to be exact. They love each other but often fight. One day, as Elena ask Cozarto to pretend that they were couple to make Deamon jealous. According to Elena Deamon is a womanizer, the idiot( Cozarto) agree in that condition, well Cozarto said that his been threatened by Elena so he couldn't really say No." Giotto chuckled before continuing. "Until Elena died, he and Elena never had fix there problems and Deamon doesn't believe Cozarto's side of the story." Giotto said happily.

"WHY DID I EVER AGREE TO THAT !?" Cozarto yelled as he run away from Deamon.

"So it end up Deamon try to kill Cozarto a million times. On a mission where Cozarto, I and Deamon went. Cozarto died on that event and a certain person spread the rumors that I kill Cozarto since it never happen. Or Deamon kill Cozarto. It never did." Giotto explain more.

"Infact, I was killed by enemy." Cozarto said.

"I had to admit, He protected me at that time. And I believe Cozarto was really a true friend." Giotto stated.

"Pft....HAHAHAHAH." Enma burst to laughter.

Tsuna just gave a small laugh.

"I...Haha..I...I can't believe that your family is this fun." Enma said happily.

"Yeah, Its enjoyful you know." Tsuna said with a brightsmile.

"Its not eventually Fun. Those idiot (pointing to his guardians) cause more paperworks than it seems." Giotto said.

"And I'm telling you Kid. Both Cozarto and Giotto always run away from paperworks. Me and Cozarto's storm guardian always chase them, sometimes play hide and seek with them. And its annoying." G said.

"But paperworks were hell." Giotto declare.

"Yeah, I agree. Its worst that they keep coming, and coming, and coming all over again. I'll be crazy if I didn't run from hell paperworks." Cozarto said sitting beside Enma.

Cozarto pat Enma's hair. "So your my descendant? You do really resemble me. Its like I'm looking at a mirror." Cozarto said happily.

"Ah...Ah... Thank you." Enma said as he look down with a red cheek.

"But you know, I'm glad You my Descendant shall make things right again. Thank you for trusting Vongola once again." Cozarto said.

"I don't trust Vongola still, Neither my guardians. But I do Trust Tsuna-kun. Because I believe his a true sky." Enma stated.

Tsuna blush but then Hug Enma tightly. "Thank you Enma-kun. Thank you for believing." Tsuna said happily.

"Thank you too Tsuna-kun. For showing the truth." Enma stated.

Both was happy.

They lookthe scene infront of them.

"Why You old man, I already told you! Your hair is fucking Pink not Red!" Hayato yelled at G.

"For god damn sake, Its Red not pink you blind!?" G defended.


"Says by the Fucking LOUD Idiot." G stated.

"EXTREME TAKO-Head, Maybe you should stop arguing with The Pink Tako Head." Ryohei stated.

"Will you Stop calling me an TAKO HEAD!" Hayato yelled.

"Maa~ Maa~ Calmdown" Both Rain said.

"Shut the fucking hell up Baseball/Flute freak." G and Hayato stated.

And the fight begin with both of the Rain was encouraging instead of stopping.

"Yare, yare Idiots." Lampo and Lambo said lazily.

"Nufufufu~ A pineapple? Looks like your a half fruit, half Man."

"Kufufufu~ Its stated by the Idiot Melon."

"Tsk, Both of you. Annoying." Alaude said as he growl in annoyance.

"Say that again Idiotic sky Lark?" Daemon said as he pointing his scythe at Alaude.

"I shall arrest you to death!"

"Oya? You said that catch phrase of yours again to me Every single time. Yet here am I, Alive. Maybe you should bite this weak herbivore instead (Pointing to Kyoya) His an Idiot just like you. " Deamon said.

"First time in my lifeI agree with the melon." Mukuro said as he agree that the fact Kyoya was an idiot.

Kyoya glare at Mukuro and deamon.

"I'll bite you to death"

And fighting shall begun.

Enma chuckle. "Ahh, Its fun to see them like this." Enma stated.

"Yeah, It does." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Tsuna? Enma believes your a true sky. Now their is only One person who shall believe and I think you have the power to broke the curse." Reborn stated.

"Huh? And infant?" Enma said.

"Chaos, My name is Reborn. The greatest Hitman of all." Reborn said.

"Oh?, Nice to meet you. Are you by anychance a Arcobaleno?" Enma said.

"Yes." Reborn said. "Sun eventually. And Tsuna hear has a potential to broke the curse." Reborn said.

"Really?" Enma said.

"Yes." Reborn said."But it requires one person shall believe in him so thus he'll got a power to really lift the curse."

"Who?" Tsuna ask.

"Ofcourse you Tsuna." Giotto said.

"You should believe in your heart that you can lift the curse, you had a power to do it, believe in your self. Many believe in you don't they?" Giotto said.

Tsuna look down. "Yes they did. Maybe,Maybe I should really believe in myself." Tsuna said with a weak smile. His hands suddenly got by enma's.

"Don't worry Tsuna-kun.No matter what. I shall be on your side. And I shall believe in you no matter what." Enma stated happily. Tsuna smile.

Thank you Enma,Thank you all." Tsuna said with tears of joy.


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Hope you enjoy 😊😊😊

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