Chapter 40

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3rd person's pov.

Tsuna was going to the roof to eat lunch alone, since Hayato announced to him that his sister will coming, so he need to restock his dynamites for possible event. Beside Hayato is allergic to his sister because of Hayato's trauma when his was young.

Once Tsuna was on the roof, He was surprise that the person in there wasn't the skylark. It was the baseball star and known in the entire school.

He look around and the skylark was out of nowhere.

"Good Noon Yamamoto-sempai." Tsuna greeted with a smile. Yamamoto just ignore and was looking down.

Well his standing on the top of the railings ready to jump.

"What are you doing there? Its dangerous you know." Tsuna said as he came closer in the railings.

"I- I lost everything. I'm useless and No one in this world." Yamamoto started to murmur.

"Hm? You lost everything? Are you sure its everything?" Tsuna ask calmly.

"Baseball is my everything. Its my life. I live in it, but with the final tournament, I can't play because of a broken arm I can't..... I lost everything." Yamamoto said murmur looking down.

"You sure everything? What about your friends?" Tsuna ask nicely with a warm smile.

"My friends? I have no friends. They just being friends with me because I'm famous and popular, because I'm good at baseball. Yet, now that I can't play, I have no friends." Yamamoto said still looking so depress.

"Your Family? Sure you have one right?" Tsuna said still in calm.

"Pops? He won't like a useless kid like me." Yamamoto said.

"Yet he'll be sad and despair without you on his side. You know if your gonna die today, your pops may die due to loneliness or worse than that. You can't escape death, yet.... dying because of loneliness is one worse case to die. Thinking that no one is with you, it hurts even death itself. Do you want that your pops will really suffer from loneliness in this cruel world that we live in?" Tsuna said calmly.

Then suddenly a spark hit Yamamoto's head. Its like an image of his pops being so lonely thinking his alone in the world.Now that he think of it, He only have his dad, and his dad only have him, they only have each other. If he left,if he jump, then his dad...his dad will be alone... and he don't want that to happen. He don't like that to happen.

Yamamoto then jump beside Tsuna and hug him tightly. "Thank you Cielo-san. Thank you." Yamamoto said.

"Its fine, call me Tsuna or Cielo, what ever your comfortable it. Cut off the 'san' part." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Then call me Takeshi." Takeshi said with a smile.

"Takeshi is then." Tsuna with a smile. "Want to eat lunch with me?" Tsuna said.

"Sure." Takeshi said with a smile.

Tsuna pull out a red bento out of his bag. "This bento is suppose for Hayato, but since Hayato went home you can just have it. I made them so I hope you'll enjoy it" Tsuna said with smile.

"Oh? Thank you Tsuna." Takeshi said with a smile.

"Its fine Takeshi." Tsuna said with a smile.

Takeshi open the bento and saw it was beautifully arrange. He quickly take a bite and froze along the way.

"Is something matter Takeshi?" Tsuna ask.

Takeshi snap out. He shook his head and said;

"No, infact your cooking is delicious. Its amazing." Takeshi said.

"Oh? Really?" Tsuna said.

"Yes." Takeshi answer.

"Thanks for the compliment then." Tsuna said with a smile.

"No probs." Takeshi said with a true smile this time. Tsuna smile back.

"Keep that smile up, its suit you. A fake smile doesn't." Tsuna said with a smile.

Takeshi was surprise in that statement before smiling back at Tsuna. "Tsuna?"


"Can we be friends? I mean real friends?"

"Are you sure you want to be friends with me?... I mean when its me I have no problem with that... But... I need to be honest that I have weird friends." Tsuna said sheepishly.

Then they heard the door bang open. Its revealed the cold skylark.

"His one of them." Tsuna pointed to Kyoya which Kyoya have a confuse look at the Omnivore.

Takeshi just chuckle. "I don't mind. As long as your their. I don't mind." Takeshi said with a smile. "But I'm surprise that your friends with Hibari-san." Takeshi said. Tsuna chuckle.

"You know, his my first ever friend. I thought I was just dreaming being friends with a bloodthirsty cold skylark.Yet it wasn't a dream because everytime he bite me to death it hurts so it is not a dream. And I'm glad it wasn't because Kyoya is both my strength and weakness becaus his part of my treasure, a Cloud who's important to sky." Tsuna said with a smile. "You might as be my Rain who washes the sorrows and pain of everybody, a person who make everyone calm down. Since your my friend, your part of my treasure too." Tsuna said with a smile.

Kyoya just smirk hearing those words,in his life no one really said those words or talk about him that way. Infact no one said that Kyoya himself is an important person for someone, until this Omnivore showed up. Even his parents, his not important to them, But his important for the Omnivore and its also the same around.

Takeshi smile at those words. " Ok then Tsuna, from now on were going to be friends." Takeshi declared. He can see through Tsuna's eyes that Tsuna won't use him as friends with benefits, Instead they will be a good true friends. Yet... He also saw in the eyes of Tsuna that Tsuna is worried about something. But Takeshi shrug it and just smile at Tsuna.

Tsuna on the other hand pull out a purple bento at his bag and give it to the skylark.

"You should eat you know. Since I came I never saw you eat lunch at all. I now question if you do eat." Tsuna said.

"Tsk." Kyoya said and accept the bento. He went to his usual spot far away from the Omnivore. He hate crowding though but as long as his sky is there, in his presence his fine with it.

"See how weird he is." Tsuna said softly so Kyoya's won't heard it.

Takeshi just chuckle. "Yeah, but Hayato is more weirder. What's with the fireworks he was carrying?" Takeshi said.

"Fireworks?" Tsuna ask.

Takeshi then started to talk about the first day when Hayato came from this school. Takeshi was going to practice with his groupmates but then he suddenly heard an explosion.

He went to check the source of the explosion and saw at the back of the school. Hayato was their throwing fireworks at Ieyoshi who is half naked with flames on his forehead.

He was going to watch the whole scene but then he was drag out by his groupmates to practice. He didn't see all of the event.

Tsuna frown on that story. Hayato never mention about a fight with Ieyoshi. Could that be that was reborn request? Guest he need to find it later when he will meet his true family.


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Hope you enjoy it 😊😊

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