Chapter 62

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3rd person'spov.

Tsuna wake up in a pitch black world. He keep calling for someone but no one answers.

"Hello? Anybody here?" Tsuna stated.
But no one answer, he keeps on walking.

"Hello." Tsuna said, then suddenly the pitch black world changes, it suddenly became trees that are dancing through the night. The moon light is the only light that guide Tsuna from the darkness.

Then Tsuna wonder what is this place, he wonder that this is a dream. He pinch himself it hurts, so it isn't a dream. Then he saw a straight path leading to something, the path was lighten up by blooming indigo like flowers in the edge of the road. Tsuna smile to himself. The road was beautiful.

He then follow the path and it lead him to Namimori shrine. In that Shrine, theres a man wearing a Kimono sitting on the ground. He has white hair and holding a Fan, a paper fan.

"Hello?" Tsuna ask.

"Come here Tsunayoshi. Sit beside me." The man said.

Tsuna's intuition didn't warn him that his in danger or anything so with a nod Tsuna sat up beside the man.

The man keep looking at the sky, so thus Tsuna look up. His eyes flashes, it was beautiful. The stars were twinkling beautifully at the dark sky with the huge crescent moon along.

"They are beautiful aren't they Tsunayoshi-kun?" The man said.

"Yes they are, Um..."

"Oh? How rude of me, You can call me Kawahira. The greatest illusionist known in the world. But they know my name as Chekerface. " The man introduce hisself.

"Oh? Then Call me Tsuna. Tsunayoshi is kinda mouthful aren't it?" Tsuna said.

"Yes, but I like it that way. Tsunayoshi." Kawahira said with a smile.

"So? Why did you brought me to this wonderful world Kawahira-san?" Tsuna ask.

"Of course I want to share to you a very very wonderful story. Wanna hear it?" Kawahira said. Then a tray of tea appeared between Tsuna and Kawahira.

"Have some." Kawahira offer. Tsuna got some tea and tasted it,

"Wow, this is amazing." Tsuna said with a happy face.

"You do realize that this was an illusion right?" Kawahira said.

"Yes, I know. But Mukuro never created a tea illusion before. But a cake, He uses to fool me with that since Cake is one of my weakness. But then everytime I tasted his illusionary Cake it disappeared within the mist. He always says that 'Illusions are always Illusion.' "Tsuna said with a smile.

"Ah, Roduko Mukuro. I see. But then I'm not known for the greatest illusionist in the world for nothing Am I?" Kawahira said.

"I think that is right." Tsuna said with a smile. "So what's the story you want to tell me?" Tsuna ask.

"Its in titled as the cursed of the Arcobaleno." Kawahira said.

Tsuna was surprise at first. "The curse of Arcobaleno? That the means about Verde, Skull, Fon and Reborn's curse?" Tsuna thought. But then smile along the way.

"I'll listen. It quite a beautiful story." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Ok then, Do you Know What is an Arcobaleno?" Kawahira ask.

"It means rainbow in Italian right?" Tsuna said.

"Right. Do You knew Luce?"

"Yes, She is suppose to be the Sky Arcobaleno?"

"Yes she is. But theres a mysterious curse that brings her life to disappeared."

"Why? Why did she disappeared?"

"Its because the power of Tri-si-net. She is willing to protect that power, even if it cause her life. That's why she disappeared. She once knew as the true sky in her age because she is the only sky who manage to forgive and accept everybody. She is the only nices sky in her times until she disappeared due to the  curse. She disappeared with a curse to other members believing that A true sky should be born and turn the curse off." Kawahira explained.

"Oh? It should be Yuni-chan isn't she? She is the holder of the sky pacifier." Tsuna said

"I may be Cielo-nii. But I'm not the true sky." Yuni said as she appeared beside Tsuna and sat down calmly.

"TSSSSUUUU-CCCHHAAAN." Byakuran said as he was flying towards Tsuna and hug Tsuna like his teddy bare.

"Good to see you again Byakuran, Yuni. What are you doing here?" Tsuna said with a smile.

Byakuran let go of Tsuna and sat down beside him.

"Were here, Its like the meeting of the sky." Byakuran stated happily as he got a bag of marshmallow.

"Mou~ Byakuran, you never change." Tsuna said.

"Since when did I change?" Byakuran said, Tsuna just roll his eyes and chuckle. His gaze turn to Yuni.

"Yuni? How will you broke the cursed?" Tsuna ask.

"I told you I can't broke the curse because I'm not the true sky." Yuni said.

"Then how will the curse be broken?" Tsuna ask.

"Its simple Tsunayoshi." Kawahira said. "Yuni shall pass the sky Pacifier to you and you alone together with your sky flames shall broke the curse." Kawahira said.

"My sky flames?" Tsuna ask.

"Yes. It shall lift the curse." Kawahira said.

"Do you really think I'm the true sky?" Tsuna ask.

"Yes, Yes you were." Kawahira said.

"Ofcourse, Tsu-chan will always be the sky, the true sky will accept andforgive all." Byakuran happily said with some raining marshmallow.

Tsuna chuckle. "You never change." Tsuna said happily.

"And you look cute as ever Cielo-nii." Yuni said.

"I agree with Yuni-chan." Byakuran said happily.

"Mou, I'm not cute." Tsuna defended.
"Andstop calling me Tsu-chan."

"No Tsu-chan will always be Tsu-chan." Byakuran said as he chuckle.

"Your really are something Byakuran." Tsuna said happily.

"Can I really Broke the curse?" Tsuna last thought.


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Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊

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