Chapter 56

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3rd person's pov.

"VOOII! Are you sure we arrive in the right place?" A man with white-silver long hair said the name squalo.

"Are you douting my skills" Levi ask.

"Ushishsi~ I think that idiot (pointing to squalo) is right. Were lost aren't we?" Bel ask.

"Nope, Were really here." Levi argue.

"Hope that I'll get more money this time." Viper said.

"TRASH! Then where is the new Vongola Decimo? I thought the Decimo is suppose to be death!?" Xanus ask angrily.

"Well according to my research, looks like that Trash had a twins and-" Levi said but was cut off when a random bullet was shot on him, luckily he dodge it.

"What the-?"

"VOOI, Were under attack!"

"Ushishi~ No one should attack a prince like me."

"TRASH! LEt's take them down."

"Make sure I have a enough money for this."

Then The so called Varia attack some men who had attack them. Varia and those men who attack them were strongly equal not to mention also speed. It must be one of there enemies that follow them and attack them here.

Once the battle got to intense,since 5 Vs a hundred men that has equal power with them,not to mention this mens are made of some soard of Black flames. They got badly injured, luckily for them before any of them got badly injured, those mens disappeared in just one said blow because of the sky flames came out of nowhere.

They look around and found no one. But then they found a certain small, cute little boy who had pale skin, chocolate eyes, and a hair who broke the law of physic coming towards them.

"Are you guys ok?" The brunet had ask.

"VOOII? That Sky flames is from you?" Squalo ask.

The boy tilt his head and gave a confuse look causing everybody blush, there face turn to red because of the cuteness.

"Never mind." Squalo said as he look away.

"Ah! Your badly injured." The brunet say."Come." The brunet quickly grab Xanus wrist and drag him towards a bench.

"TRASH. What are you doing?" Xanus ask.

The brunet focus his hands on Xanus wrist and close his eyes as he channel the sun flames along in Xanus body which was Xanus felt so ever calm, peaceful, warm, and nice. Xanus close his eyes and calm hisself as those sun flames start healing him.

"There your all healed up." The brunet exclaim and gave a warm and acceptance smile at Xanus which cause Xanuse face to turn red.

"TRASH! I don't need you help." Xanus said as he stand up.

The brunet look at Xanus in shook but sigh heavily. "Hm." The Brunet nod and turn his attention to the others. Ofcourse he start healing them as soon as he can.

The Varia don't know what they felt. Its was so ever calming, peaceful yet so beautiful kind of warm that they never felt before.... It was warm welcoming and amazing. And they have to admit, the boy was cute.

"Thanks." Xanus murmur and look away from the brunet.

"Your welcome." The brunet reply with a warm and acceptance smile. Which cause the Varia to be mesmerize and well blush too because the brunet is cute.

As the moment they will say thank you, the brunet start to panic and say. "Crap! I forgot about him, Bye Bye anyway." The brunet said as he run away.

"That boy is cute." Levi

"I agree" Squalo said

"Ushishi~ His something" Bel

"Huh? I felt something with him.." Viper said.

"That TRASH, his something interesting" Xanus said


Tsuna run for his life. He was awaken late because a certain pineapple keep disturbing his night sleep by giving him nightmares.

"Damn! That pineapple!" And both Takeshi and Hayato didn't came early this morning because Takeshi has early practice, and Hayato? Who knows what happen to him.

The gate almost close, luckily Tsuna made on time but late in the way.

"Omnivore, Your late." Kyoya said coldly with a smirk.

"I know. I didn't have enough sleep last night because a damn pineapple keep giving me nightmares for freezing him yesterday." Tsuna explain."That's why I wake up late!"

"Oh? Then I shall bite you to death for being late and freezing me yesterday."



Tsuna slid the door of his class and went to his sit exhausted. After 10 minutes sparring With the prefect demon. He was tired.

Kyoya won't let him go until Kyoya get what he wants. But then Tsuna made a mistake that lead his escape.

Tsuna was now burrying his face into his arms in the table. He did blush madly to what certain happen.

He swear he just slip and end up kissing Kyoya while fighting. That lead Kyoya froze and stop. Tsuna found an escape but he was sure. Certainly sure, that the prefect will hunt him down after class.

Good thing none of the student saw that event. or else he will be more embarrass. Guest he need to apologize to Kyoya later. Or maybe next week because he know Kyoya will be in range at the moment so he will make Kyoya calm down before apologizing.


Going home Tsuna make sure he hide his presence within Kyoya. He don't want to see Kyoya of that moment because of a certain event.

Reborn jump in in Tsuna's head.

"Something happen?" Reborn ask.

"Not of your concerned though." Tsuna said as he walking home alone, but now Reborn is with him.

"REBORN! Why in the world are you with him!?" Ieyoshi ask.

"Not of your concern Baka-Yoshi." Reborn reply. Tsuna just went silent and continue walking Ignoring Ieyoshis blabbering. Until A bike pass through. A woman with pink hair throw a can to Ieyoshi.

"Have it, Its all yours." The girl said before going away.

"What a weird girl." Ieyoshi murmur, open the can and drink it. Ieyoshi first taste it was delicious. But he faint after.

"Poor boy, Got poison." Tsuna said.

"You knew?" Reborn said

"Ofcourse. My Intuition told me." Tsuna said and carry Ieyoshi, well drag Ieyoshi to be exact.


Ieyoshi wake up in the couch not remembering what happen. He shrug it and was about to go to his room when someone knock at the door. Ieyoshi open it and was greeted by a woman with pink hair.


Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊

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